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Supported Employment in State Government (SESG)

The Supported Employment in State Government (SESG) Program, RCW 41.04, was adopted by the Legislature in 1999 and provides paid competitive employment opportunities for individuals with developmental and other significant disabilities in integrated work settings. SESG is employment with customary salary and benefits, for individuals who need support over time, on or off the job, to maintain job performance.

By statute, SESG positions do not count toward an agency’s allotted FTE’s; however, an agency must have sufficient funds to pay the salary and benefits.  The agency may establish an SESG position in any classification and at the established wages and benefits published in the OFM salary schedule. SESG positions are permanent, classified, or exempt, and must be filled on a competitive basis according to existing Collective Bargaining Agreements, RCW, WAC’s, and each state agency’s own policies on recruitment and hiring. 

Individuals must meet the following criteria to compete for the SESG positions:

  • Have a developmental disability as defined in RCW 71A.10.020 or experience a “significant disability” as defined in the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973:
  • Require on the job training and long-term support to perform their job successfully; and
  • Have a reliable source of long-term support.

Executive Order 13-02 requires each cabinet-level agency, board, commission, and other organization that reports to the governor to utilize and participate in the Supported Employment in State Government program in accordance with standards established by OFM. OFM was directed to develop standards, guidance, and best practices for utilization of and participation in the state’s supported employment program. 

How does the SESG Program benefit my agency?

Supported employment in state government allows agencies to add positions within your existing budgets that will not count against an agency’s allotted full-time equivalent position for the duration of the individual’s employment

Agencies will be able to take advantage of outside resources to assist with recruitment, training, and retention of employees with significant disabilities who are hired.

Individuals seeking a permanent, competitive career.

Since these positions don’t require the use of an FTE, how does this affect the status of the individual hired under the program?

It does not affect the status of the individual hired in any way.

What assistance does the DSHS Division of Vocational Rehabilitation provide to state agencies and state higher education institutions?

The DSHS/DVR provides a Supported Employment Program Manager who will:

  • Instruct and advise staff on identifying appropriate work for a SESG position.
  • Advise and support staff on identifying appropriate work for a SESG position.
  • Advise and support staff in recruiting for SESG candidates and working with supported employment long-term support providers.
  • Instruct and advise staff on screening and selection of qualified candidates.

Is there a cost to the hiring agency for the new employee’s salary and benefits?

  • Yes, the salary and benefits for the new employee must be covered within existing budget.

How can an employer participate in the SESG Program?

  • Obtain internal approval and funding to establish a supported employment position.
  • Review SESG guidelines published by OFM.
  • Consult with the DSHS/DVR Supported Employment Program Manager on establishment, recruitment, and selection for a supported employment position.


Last updated
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
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