People with disabilities in state government
State HR - Planning
Contact information
Executive Order 13-02, "Improving Employment Opportunities and Outcomes for People with Disabilities in State Government," sets an enterprise goal of achieving 5% representation of persons with disabilities in state employment by June 30, 2017, and charged agencies with developing disability employment plans to address under-representation.
How OFM is helping agencies develop disability plans
OFM is charged with setting standards for agency plans and developing agency resources. To minimize redundant reporting, agencies submitted disability employment strategies to OFM along with other diversity plans in their annual HR Management Report.
OFM is piloting several enterprise strategies in which agencies may participate, including:
- Reduce under-reporting of persons with disabilities.
- Recruit from state disabled talent pools.
- Revive the state's supported employment program.
Disabilities coordinators
Each agency has designated a disabilities coordinator who is the key liaison for the disabilities employment and training initiatives.
We recommend that a disabilities coordinator have journey-level knowledge and skill in:
- Disability recruitment and selection development, and retention strategies
- Workforce data analysis
- Disability employment laws and regulations
- Understanding of strategy development for universal and inclusive work environment work cultures
Supported employment
The Supported Employment in State Government (SESG) Program, RCW 41.04, was adopted by the Legislature in 1999 and provides paid competitive employment opportunities for individuals with developmental and other significant disabilities in integrated work settings. SESG is employment with customary salary and benefits, for individuals who need support over time, on or off the job, to maintain job performance. More Information