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Executive Order 24-04 Toolkit

Executive Order 24-04 | Toolkit | Part One

Increasing employment opportunities in Washington state government

Welcome to release 1.0 of the EO 24-04 toolkit! In this release you will find initial guidance on the following: 

Future releases will include additional competency based hiring guidance, guidance for improving equity throughout the hiring and recruitment processes, equity competencies, pay equity plan guidance and reporting process, OLRS demographic data reporting process, and the statewide equity competency assessment. 

EO 24-04 does not technically apply to higher education institutions, but we do encourage higher ed institutions to take steps to meet the intent of the EO in your organization. SHB 2216 regarding college degree requirements does apply to higher ed, so institutions of higher education will want to consult with their Assistant Attorney General for any questions regarding that legislation. 

Our intention is to provide guidance and support that is helpful for agencies to implement this EO. As we release guidance and information, we want to know if it is meeting that mark, and if not, we want to hear from you what additional information and support would be helpful. Some of the future support under consideration include additional training resources, guidance to help determine whether or not qualifications such as English proficiency, driver’s licenses, lifting 50 lbs., etc. are essential to a position, support for applicants with this change, and ways agencies can share information and promising practices with one another. 

Additionally, as we've had to adjust deadlines to ensure we deliver quality products to you, please keep us informed if you encounter any difficulties or need extra time or support while implementing this EO. 

We are all working toward these goals together in an effort to increase employment opportunities throughout the enterprise, and we will all do the best we can within the resources we have. As long as we are making progress toward that goal, we are meeting the intent of the EO. 

Please send all questions and feedback regarding EO 24-04 to


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