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Executive orders and directives related to the workforce

Washington state has a number of executive orders and directives related to workforce diversity, equity, and inclusion that enhance the recruitment, retention, and safety of the state’s workforce. Below you can find what each of the executive orders/directives mean for state agenices as well as links to helpful information.  

Executive Order 22-02: Achieving Equity in Washington State Government [PDF] - issued 2022

What it means for state agencies

Executive Order 22-02 rescinded Executive Order 98-01, which does not alter other state and federal legal requirements applicable to affirmative action measures. 
All executive and small cabinet agencies shall:

  • Continue to follow State Human Resources (SHR) Directives 20-02 and 20-03. 
    • SHR Directive 20-02 requires all agencies and higher education institutions to update or create diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) plans, train recruitment staff on mitigating bias, set workforce diversity goals, conduct regular diversity data review, develop connections with higher education, and review the diversity of candidate pools. Agency should submit a copy of the completed plan to SHR.
    • SHR Directive 20-03 requires all agencies (except for higher education institutions) to create policies for DEI, respectful work environment, anti-discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment, and reasonable accommodation.
  • Ensure all employees to complete Department of Enterprise Services’ DEI training following SHR Directive 23-01.
More information

Executive Order 24-05

Washington state government shall strive to create universal access and belonging for people with disabilities throughout every phase of employment. 

More information

People with disabilities in state government

Directive of the Governor 16-11: LGBTQ Inclusion and Safe Place Initiative [PDF] - issued June 2016

What it means for state agencies

The initiative promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace for state workers to ensure that Washingtonians in the LGBTQ community can look to public-facing state offices for safe and secure spaces.

Executive Order 13-02: Improving Employment Opportunities and Outcomes for People with Disabilities in State Government [PDF] - issued 2013

What it means for state agencies
  • OFM is to establish goals of state government employing persons living with a disability at the same rate as the available workforce.
  • Executive cabinet agencies shall:
    • Develop an annual employment plan to address underrepresentation of people with disabilities, and report progress. 
    • Designate a disability employment coordinator to oversee the development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of effective strategies to attract, engage, and advance people with disabilities.
    • Utilize and participate in the state’s supported employment program.
More information

People with disabilities in state government

Executive Order 22-04: Implementing the Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Plan and Playbook [PDF] - issued 2022

What it means for state agencies

Executive Order 22-04 directs all executive branch state agencies to partner with the Office of Equity in a commitment to achieve equitable access to opportunities and an anti-racist government system. Other statewide elected officials, higher education institutions, agencies of the judiciary, agencies of the Legislature, and other boards and commission are invited to follow this Executive Order.

All executive and small cabinet agencies shall:

  • Develop and implement agency’s Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Strategic Action Plan.
  • Gather data, update policies, and educate employees to create a PEAR culture.
  • Conduct quarterly performance review to monitor progress toward PEAR Strategic Action Plan goals. 
  • Prepare and submit a PEAR Annual Performance Report to the Office of Equity by September 1 of every year. 
  • Submit responses to the agency’s PEAR Strategic Action Plan performance reports published by the Office of Equity. 

Executive Order 17-01: Reaffirming Washington’s Commitment to Tolerance, Diversity, and Inclusiveness - issued Feb. 2017

What it means for state agencies

State agencies cannot deny services on the basis of citizenship or legal status, and will not collect information beyond what is necessary to perform agency duties and will not use agency resources to assist with creation of a registry based on religion or apprehension of persons for civil immigration infractions.

Executive Order 19-01: Veteran and Military Family Transition and Readiness Support [PDF] - issued 2019

What it means for state agencies

Executive cabinet agencies shall:

  • Develop annual veteran employment plans to increase the representation of veterans in their workforce, and report on their progress to OFM. Plans should include utilization of veteran job seeker support services available through ESD, and creation of bridge employment opportunities such as temporary, seasonal, internship, and job shadow assignments.
  • Provide volunteers to and support the approved initiatives of the Veterans Employee Resource Group. 
  • Participate in and provide leadership to the Washington State Military Transition Council.
  • Set a target of awarding at least 5% of all procurement contracts to certified veteran-owned businesses.
More information

Veterans in state government

Executive Order 21-01 Affirming Washington State Business Resource Groups

What it means for state agencies

Reaffirm support to current and future BRGs and recognize the need for greater representation of employee experience from Washington’s diverse communities at all levels of state government.


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