Professional Knowledge Examples
Accounts Payable (Technical Professional)
- Paraprofessional / Technician Level: Basic knowledge of organization chart of accounts, accounts payable procedures, and accounting software and equipment.
- Journey Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
- Senior Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of recent legislation, new case law, and developing accounting standards and practices.
Job Counselor (Service Professional)
- Paraprofessional / Technician Level: Basic knowledge of interviewing techniques and principles, labor market trends, and job seeker support software and internet resources.
- Journey-Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of public and private job seeker support organizations and systems, and legal and administrative requirements.
- Senior-Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of research and trends in the areas of human behavior and interest and skill testing.
Auditor (Compliance Professional)
- Paraprofessional / Technician Level: Basic knowledge of accounting principles, financial reporting standards, and accounting software and equipment.
- Journey-Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, auditing principles and standards, and business and management standards.
- Senior-Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of recent legislation, new case law, and developing financial reporting standards.