Statewide Accounting glossary
This is a list of terms used within the Washington Administrative and Accounting Manual (WAAM) and within Workday. To find a term, enter it in in the search box, and select 'Apply'.
NOTE: Terms from the OFM DEIB glossary are currently also showing up here - please disregard until this is fixed.
Term | Glossary | Sub-Category | Definition |
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender | WAAM |
King County Recognizes self certified LGBTQ Businesses in its contracting in procurement |
Life cycle cost analysis | WAAM |
The identification of a total life-cycle cost of a facility project. Life-cycle cost analysis is defined as the programmatic and technical considerations of all cost elements associated with capital facility alternatives under consideration. These cost elements may include any or all of the following: Capital Investment Costs, Lease Costs, Financial Costs, Operations Costs, Maintenance Costs, Alternations Costs, Replacement Costs, Denial of Use Costs, Lost Revenue and Associated Costs. |
Life Event | Workday | Human Capital Management (HCM) |
A kind of benefit event that occurs in the employee's personal life, for example, getting married or having a child. |
Life-cycle cost | WAAM |
The total cost of an item to the state over its estimated useful life, including costs of selection, acquisition, operation, maintenance, and where applicable, disposal, as far as these costs can reasonably be determined, minus the salvage value at the end of its estimated useful life. |
Local fund/accounts | WAAM |
Accounts under the control of an agency with cash on deposit in a local bank account and requiring the signature of agency officials on a check for disbursement. Some local funds are on deposit with the State Treasurer as a matter of convenience or statutory requirement. |
Location | WAAM |
Can indicate building and rooms for tracking furniture and equipment or may be used for sales tax calculation. |
Location Membership Security Group | Workday | Cross Application |
A location membership security group is one whose members are any workers assigned to that location. |
Long-term leases | WAAM |
Those lease agreements that extend beyond five years (the normal facility lease period). Leases beyond a five-year term will be considered when: the agency has a stable and consistent program to be housed, there is demonstrated economic advantage to the extended term, and the location meets facilities standards established by the Department of Enterprise Services (DES). A lease of up to 10 years may be negotiated by DES after consultation with OFM. A long-term lease of more than 10 years can be negotiated by DES and must be approved by OFM. Any lease over 20 years in duration must have legislative authorization. Contact OFM Facilities Oversight for more information on this subject. |
Lowest responsive and responsible bidder | WAAM |
The bidder who fully complied with all of the bid requirements and whose past performance, reputation, and financial capability is deemed acceptable, and who has offered the most advantageous pricing or cost benefit, based on the criteria stipulated in the bid documents. |
Maintenance level | WAAM |
A projected expenditure level representing the estimated cost of providing currently authorized services in the ensuing biennium. It is calculated using current appropriations, the bow wave of legislative intentions assumed in existing appropriations (costs or savings), and adjustments for trends in entitlement caseload/enrollment and other mandatory expenses. This number establishes a theoretical base from which changes are made to create a new budget. |
Major capital projects | WAAM |
Capital projects that cost $5 million or more, or projects that meet the following criteria: have particularly costly elements, are undertaken on a tight design budget or short design schedule, have significant policy implications to a program, or involve state of the art technology. |
Major lease project | WAAM |
A lease project for any facility over 20,000 square feet. |
Managed File Transfer (MFT) | WAAM |
Managed file transfer (MFT) is a technology platform that allows organizations to reliable and securely exchange electronic data between systems. |
Management Level (Hierarchy) | Workday | Human Capital Management (HCM) |
Categorizes job profiles (and their associated jobs and positions) based on the management level to which they belong. For example, a particular job or position may belong to the Supervisor, Manager, or Individual Contributor management level. Job profiles are assigned management levels, and those management levels are organized into a hierarchy. |
Manual Payment | Workday | Payroll |
An off-cycle calculation that records check or cash payments made outside Workday Payroll. |
Matrix Report | Workday | Cross Application |
You can create 3 types of custom reports: simple, advanced, and matrix. A matrix report forms the foundation for custom analytics. It summarizes data by one or two fields that contain repeating values. The resulting matrix is displayed as either a table or chart that users can drill through to see the associated details. You control the specific detail data users should see when they drill down by selecting the desired fields when defining the report. Matrix reports also provide features such as filtering, run time prompts, worklets and report sharing. |
Maximum allowable construction cost | WAAM |
A cost that the owner stipulates to the design consultant before design begins. The cost is the owner's budget for the construction cost of the project and serves as the parameter in which the design consultant agrees that the construction cost of the design will not exceed. |
Merit Process | Workday | Human Capital Management (HCM) |
A sequence of one or more tasks related to defining, targeting, and awarding merit pay to employees. In this process, a compensation administrator creates the merit plan definition. The administrator or manager assigns the merit plan to employees through one of various means. Assignment of the plan determines eligibility for the merit compensation event. The administrator sets up the merit process, which funds the merit pool, and then launches the process on the specified event date. Workday creates merit compensation events for employees based on their organization. Managers review the target merit increases for their employees and submit merit increase proposals for review. Once approved, the employees receive their merit increases. |
Micro business | WAAM |
Microbusiness" means any business entity |
Micro-edit | Workday | Time Tracking |
The ability to edit existing time blocks or add time blocks directly to a day by double-clicking on the time entry calendar. |
Mini business | WAAM |
Mini business" means any business entity |
Modified accrual basis | WAAM |
The basis of accounting under which expenditures, whether paid or unpaid, are formally recognized when the liability is incurred against the account, but revenues are recognized only when they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current accounting period. All governmental funds use the modified accrual basis of accounting. |
Modify (permission) | Workday | Cross Application |
Modify is an action through the Workday user interface that can be permitted on securable items in a domain security policy. It includes view permission. |
Multi-tenant | WAAM |
Multi-tenancy is an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers. Each customer is called a tenant. |
Multicurrency | Workday | Financial |
Companies use a base currency for transactions and reporting. Each company in a tenant can have its own base currency. When a transaction currency is different than the company base currency, the transaction is recorded in the transaction currency and automatically converted to the base currency. You can also define default currencies for customers and suppliers. |
Multiplier-Based Coverage | Workday | Human Capital Management (HCM) |
Insurance coverage based on multiples of salary, for example, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, or 6x salary. |
My Workday | Workday | Cross Application |
The My Workday landing page displays a grid of worklets such as Inbox and My Requests. You should enable My Workday only for administrator and professional roles, not for Employee Self Service or Manager Self Service. Workday recommends that you keep the number of worklets on My Workday to a minimum. The number of worklets on My Workday affects display performance. |
My Workday 2.0 | Workday | Cross Application |
The My Workday 2.0 landing page is home to the Workfeed worklet. It is designed to optimize performance, and therefore is limited to displaying the Workfeed plus 4 additional worklets. This limit ensures that users cannot place a large number of worklets (some of which may be computationally intensive) on a page that is frequently accessed. It is recommended that you use the Dashboard landing pages for additional analytical worklets that users might need. |
Near general fund-state | WAAM |
Accounts related to the state General Fund as defined in RCW 43.88.055; includes the Washington Opportunity Pathways Account and Education Legacy Trust Account. |
No Processing Prior To Date | Workday | Payroll |
The earliest date that Workday can process supported retroactive changes for a worker. |