Census 2000 5-percent Public Use Microdata Sample data
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SAS dataset for Washington
The Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) file for Washington State Census 2000 data contain individual records of the characteristics for a 5 percent sample of people and housing units. The PUMS data are available for geographic units known as super-Public Use Microdata Areas (super-PUMAs) and Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs). Each super-PUMA contains a minimum population of 400,000 and each PUMA contains a minimum population threshold of 100,000.
The Census 2000 5 Percent PUMS data file will unzip three files:
- waprecs5.sas7bdat - person records
- wahrecs5.sas7bdat - household records
- wa5.sas7bvew - a view file for combining the person and the household records
A list of variables contained in the PUMS files is available.
Please refer to the following Excel files for code lists.
Migration and place of work PUMA relationships
- Relationship between PUMAs of migration and PUMAs
- Relationship between PUMAs of place of work and PUMAs