GIS data
Census geographic files: TIGER/Line shapefiles for select Census 2000, 2010 and 2020 geographic areas. Includes a limited number of population and housing variables from the decennial census. Geographic crosswalks and map products are also available.
OFM BAS submissions: This GIS shapefile includes OFM’s approved annexations submitted to the Census Bureau’s Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) from March 1, 2020, to the present. These polygons are drawn to the latest Census Bureau boundaries with the main intent of allocating population to the correct jurisdiction. As such, these polygons do not follow the strict legal description of the annexation, and some annexations are omitted since they will not change the Census Bureau city limits boundary. You will find more information in the Read Me attached to the shapefile.
Small area estimates program: GIS shapefiles for select census geographic areas and other areas of statewide significance. Includes annual population and housing estimates from 2010 onwards.
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