HR governance

Governance committees and councils

The HR community utilizes a structure of working committees to facilitate and coordinate the sharing of advice and expertise and to formulate recommendations and decisions on specified workforce issues.  

Apprenticeship Meeting Series

Reduce barriers to employment in state government by advancing the number of apprenticeship programs and other formal on-the-job training programs. 

Classification and Compensation Roundtable

Meetings scheduled as needed to disseminate information about enterprise classification, compensation issues or changes, from OFM State HR. 

HRMS Data Stewards

Provides a forum to share innovative ideas and solutions related to using the HRMS BI application.

Lunch and Learn Sessions

One-hour virtual workshops for HR professional staff and others interested in Washington state government.

Personnel/Payroll Association

Composed of personnel and payroll staff of state agencies, this group is the key channel for personnel and payroll system activities and information sharing.

Reasonable Accommodation Roundtables

Community of practice for reasonable accommodation practitioners.

Rules Review

Meetings of this group are an opportunity for agency and higher education institutions to come together to discuss civil service rule proposals.

Small Agency HR Shared Services Center Meetings

Provide timely HR information to small agency HR professionals or liaison.

Talent Management Council

The state’s recruitment advisory and coordinating group provides recommendations on strategic staffing efforts across state government.

Training Managers

Meetings of state agency training managers.

Washington Management Service (WMS) coordinators

Meetings of this group serve to update state government HR staff on WMS matters, share best practices and information and provide a networking opportunity among agencies.  

Washington State HR Community

An advisory body to OFM State HR, the Department of Enterprise Services and agencies. It is comprised of agency or higher education institution HR managers or directors.

Washington Workforce Empowerment Collaborative

Develops recommendations on statewide diversity, equity and inclusion polices and strategies.

Last updated
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
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