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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 163Y
Category: Financial Services


Reviews, analyzes and processes tort and sundry claims and payments, filed against the State of Washington. Determines validity and potential impacts of claim or denial of claim; case reserve amounts; proper claim interpretation, categorization, and affected party(ies); interpretation of settlement/agreement and proper payment amount(s) and distribution of payment(s) to payee(s); payee(s) tax reporting requirements and amount, and instructs agency financial staff on how to accomplish appropriate income reporting. Investigates, processes, negotiates, and resolves Department of Corrections’ inmate tort claims.

Typical Work

Reviews tort and sundry claims filed against the State of Washington; verifies and checks information for accuracy and completeness; 

Evaluates tort claims and determines the appropriate state agency or agencies with potential legal liability; 

Assesses and identifies the legal cause of action upon which each specific claim is based - distinguishes between bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, et al.; 

Review and assess claim and determine the validity and impact of the claim, analyzing statute of limitations compliance, filing compliance, etc; 

Makes an initial assessment of the anticipated financial impact of the claim, including legal defense and indemnity costs and determines case reserves; 

Applies discretion in handling confidential and privileged information; 

Creates, maintains, and updates claim information within the claim database system; and maintains files of original tort and sundry claims, forwarding and receiving claims information and supporting documentation to and from State agencies having delegated claims processing responsibilities; 

Searches files and the computer information data base in support for the preparation of an affidavit to dismiss law suits to verify that a tort claim has not been filed pursuant to RCW 4.92.110; 

Reviews and processes court judgements, settlements, and payments to tort and sundry claimants; determines the nature of tort liability issues involved and assigns the financial liability for tort claims to the appropriate state agency (ies); 

Determines proper payment amounts to be made to each party; calculates interest due when appropriate; 

Determines the reporting necessary to comply with Internal Revenue Code income reporting requirements and instructs agency financial staff on how to accomplish appropriate payment and income reporting;  

Reviews all vehicle accident reports by state drivers for accuracy and completeness; identifies parties involved;  

Responds to all types of inquiries and requests for claims information, corresponding with claimants, private attorney, Assistant Attorneys General, agency personnel, and the general public concerning the status of all tort and sundry claims, applicable State laws, administrative procedures and policies, and requests for copies of and information from claim files;

Performs special projects and miscellaneous tasks.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of:  statutes, policies, and procedures, claims investigative and settlement practices, liability, tort and negligence issues relating to the State's tort and sundry claims process; office procedures and practices; legal terminology, forms and documents. 

Ability to:  work independently within established guidelines while planning and scheduling work activities; analyze and make independent decisions on tort and sundry claims; interpret procedures and policies relating to tort and sundry claims, court judgements and settlements; communicate effectively both orally and in writing.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

A Bachelor's degree. 


Professional certification as an associate in risk management, or certified property and casualty underwriter and two years of experience processing general liability, insurance or accident claims. 


Eighteen months of experience processing general liability, insurance or accident claims including coding and use of a computerized data base operation and investigation, resolution and payment of tort and sundry claims. 

Qualifying experience will substitute for education on a year-for-year basis.

Class Specification History

New class Effective December 13, 1985
Revised definition and minimum qualifications December 15.1989
New class code: (formerly 47490) effective July 1, 2007.
Revised title and definition and salary adjustment adopted 11/9/2017, effective 11/10/2017; previously Tort & Sundry Claims Representative, previously range 35.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.