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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 392I
Category: Protective Services

Class Series Concept

Perform professional duties in the field of safety engineering, environmental sanitation, fire protection, industrial hygiene, and/or radiological health; perform duties necessary for the implementation of one or more major elements of an institution's environmental health and safety program.


Single class - no series.  Under general supervision, perform routine, entry level professional duties in one or more major areas of an institution's environmental health and safety program.  Assignments are typically less com­plex in nature than the duties assigned to experienced professional health and safety staff; work is reviewed by experienced personnel to verify compliance with applicable policies and procedures.

Typical Work

Investigate health and safety hazards in existing facilities and proposed building programs; 

Determine applicability of various governmental codes and regulations to the construction, operation, and maintenance of existing and proposed facilities; 

Assist in inservice training and instructional programs related to environ­mental health and safety for academic, staff, and/or student personnel; 

Review program planning guides for new construction and remodeling and make recommendations to institution and contract architects and engineers for methods and designs for controlling health and safety hazards and ways to comply with governmental codes and regulations; 

Maintain external relationships, as necessary, with governmental regulatory agency personnel. 


Assist in the conduct of programs for the control and safe use of ionizing radia­tion to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations; 

Monitor radiation usage; conduct bioassays and dosimetry; 

Assist in conducting radiation safety training; monitor accountability of radioactive materials; instruct employees in the safe use of X-ray producing equipment;

Conduct literature searches and assist in determining methods to be used in radiation safety programs. 


Assist in conducting educational programs concerning proper use of fire extin­guishing equipment; 

Assist in monitoring design, construction, and maintenance of structures in conformity with relevant codes and standards for fire prevention and life safety. 


Assist in conducting programs which deal with control of exposures to non­ionizing radiation, noise, and chemicals; ventilation, hazardous chemical waste collection and processing, hearing conservation, lighting, and heat stress evaluation.

1.         Assist in industrial hygiene investigations at work sites. 

2.         Input and maintain data processing systems for scheduling, record keep­ing, equipment condition logs, and projects. 

3.         Calibrate, repair, and maintain field sampling equipment. 

4.         Prepare equipment and activity reports. 


Assist in conducting investigations of accidents and safety hazards; 

Conduct safety inspections of institutional facilities and equipment as a member of an inspection team; 

Analyze and recommend correction of safety hazards and/or safety code defi­ciencies to higher level safety personnel; 

Assist in design of hazard control devices, such as machine guards; 

Instruct employees in use of personal protective equipment. 


Assist in developing and/or implementing environmental health and safety pro­grams addressing such areas as:  biological hazard control, laboratory animal care and control, pest control, food sanitation, water protection, surveil­lance of sewage and solid waste disposal, communicable disease containment, swimming pool safety and sanitation, housing sanitation, and epidemiologic investigations.

Legal Requirement(s)

Some positions may require certification as a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) granted by the Board of Certified Safety Professional and/or Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) granted by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

A Bachelor's Degree in biological or physical science, or an appropriate engin­eering or public health field.  Work experience in an environmental health and safety field may substitute, year for year, for required education.

Class Specification History

New class adopted October 19, 1984.
Revise class. Revises class code (formerly 4653); adopted May 10, 2007, effective July 1, 2007.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.