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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 111B
Category: Administrative Services

Class Series Concept

See Events Coordinator 1.


Positions at this level work independently and follow generally defined methods to perform assigned activities. Incumbents typically provide detail support services for single-day conferences, seminars, and workshops. Incumbents review events and services to be provided for compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies; have financial responsibility for contracts negotiated and fees charged; and represent conference services to outside organizations and the community. Incumbents assist higher level staff with longer, more detailed multi-day events.

Typical Work

Reviews events and services to be provided for compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies;  

Provides information regarding details of current or scheduled conferences such as location, registration process, dates, times, and deadlines;  

Prepares, compiles, and assembles printed conference materials, such as brochures, publicity releases, and course materials; arranges for reproduction and mailing of materials;  

Participates in planning sessions by answering questions regarding arrangements, taking notes of sessions, and reminding participants of deadlines;  

Maintains contact with conference sponsors; monitors conference expenses against established budget; monitors established conference timeline;  

Provides on-site coordination of registration such as nametags, packet materials, rosters, and program evaluation forms; assures that physical details such as furniture arrangements are completed and that supplies and media equipment are ready;  

Receives calls after hours to resolve problems that arise with events;  

Arranges for tours and special events connected with conferences;

Composes and types memoranda and correspondence to speakers, conference participants, site personnel, and others involved with conferences;  

Prepares purchase requisitions, travel vouchers, and conference agreements; arranges for payment of speakers; orders supplies;  

May occasionally coordinate support service for repeated or routine multi-day events;  

May supervise lower level staff; 

Performs other work as required.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position. 

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

contact such as secretarial, sales promotion, setting up conferences, public information, or in the hospitality industry.  


Equivalent education/experience.

Class Specification History

New classes effective June 1, 2005; Conference Coordinator 2 (replaces 2019 Conference Coordinator I).
Revised class title; formerly 111B Conference Coordinator 2, which replaced 2019 Conference Coordinator I on June 1, 2005.  110D Building Coordinator 4 was abolished at the August 9, 2012 Director’s Meeting as agencies reallocated these positions into Conference Coordinator 2.  Revised class title effective August 10, 2012.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.