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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 179N
Category: Financial Services

Class Series Concept

See Property and Acquisition Specialist 1.


Positions supervise property tax auditors and/or appraisers, or other property tax staff involved in state-mandated programs such as the statewide ratio study, revaluation, county review, property tax exemptions and deferrals, education, Board of Equalization administration, levy administration and financial and/or valuation analysis in the areas of utilities, real property, and personal property. Some positions supervise lands agents and habitat technicians involved in developing, coordinating, and monitoring property acquisition, appraisal, and property management activities. These positions also manage public access areas.

Typical Work

Provides technical and policy recommendations to WMS managers;

Assists and/or leads in the development of oral and written policy communications;

Coordinates and advises local taxing authorities in the formulation and application of state and local levy process;

Reviews and approves county assessor revaluation programs; reviews and develops state mandated guidelines, forms and programs in the valuation and taxation of property;

Testifies and provides expert advice at legislative committees and public hearings on property tax matters and proposed legislation; testifies at the State Board of Tax Appeals and in judicial courts; assists attorneys in the preparation of court cases; provides significant recommendation, input and review in the development of rules;

Advises county officials and staff, taxpayers, and others in the assessment, equalization, and taxation of real and personal property;

Coordinates and makes final reviews and revisions of permits and agreements which allow temporary use of department lands state-wide such as housing and office rentals, short-term permits, land use agreements; prepares and revises standard documents;

Coordinates and makes final reviews and revisions of legal documents which convey permanent rights on wildlife habitat lands such as right-of-way for roads, utilities, quit claim deeds, easements, and land exchanges; prepares presentations with recommendations to ensure the proposed use will have no detrimental effects upon wildlife, habitat, or environmental quality;

Receives, evaluates, inspects, and makes recommendations on various proposed uses of department lands in coordination with regional personnel; meets with attorneys and surveyors in coordination with regional personnel to resolve boundary and fencing disputes;

Directs staff in negotiations on a broad spectrum of real estate transactions on a statewide basis;

Coordinates and finalizes all sales involving surplus buildings and commodity sales such as gravel, timber, and agricultural products from department land;

Negotiates and provides recommendations for the department’s state-wide leasing program;

Plans, coordinates, and monitors property acquisition activities of the Lower Snake Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Program;

Conducts department real estate program of acquisition, exchange, disposal of lands and buildings including farms, game farms, hatcheries, warehouses, offices, residences, rights-of-way, easements for hunting, fishing, roads, bridges, pipelines, timber stands, natural areas, mitigation areas and habitat; negotiates with landowners, corporate managers and realtors;

Conducts site selection searches, writes proposals, selects real estate appraisal, contract title reports, surveys, recording, legal advertising, notices; supervises preparation of all forms of real estate instruments including complex sale and purchase options, Governor’s Quit Claim Deeds; conducts public auctions, bid preparation, and openings for sale of lands and buildings;

Serves as liaison to Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC); represents the department to evaluate and recommend all state, county, city, and special district applications for funding of acquisition and development of recreational projects; coordinates all project proposals with regional administrators to present the department’s position to IAC; participates in state-wide hearings.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Positions typically require a Bachelor’s degree involving major study in business or public administration, real estate, economics, accounting, natural resource management, or related field


three to four years of experience in real property appraising, property negotiations, public property management, or selling, leasing or buying real estate.


One year of experience as a Property and Acquisition Specialist 5.

Class Specification History

New class. Consolidates 17110 Lands Program Coordinator and 61221 Property Tax Supervisor, effective January 1, 2006.
Revise class. Revises class code (formerly 177N); adopted May 10, 2007, effective July 1, 2007.
(10/26/2007) Language error in Definition, correct adopted language inserted.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.