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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 397D
Category: Protective Services

Class Series Concept

See Emergency Management Program Specialist 1.


Supervises a work unit of Emergency Management Program Specialists performing multi-functional emergency management activities (preparedness, hazard mitigation, response and recovery) or provides expert level coordination of emergency management programs, projects, and services that include statewide management and coordination across multiple organizations such as state agencies, counties, cities, tribal governments, and conglomerates of non-profits, e.g. utilities. 

Positions at this level also serve as statewide liaison with federal organizations involved in emergency management and facilitate legislation and rule making.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Supervision includes selecting, training and developing staff; planning and assignment of work; evaluating performance; resolving grievances; and taking corrective action.

Expert level coordination includes development, implementation and delivery of services that require the application of specialized knowledge including radiological, chemical, tsunami or earthquake hazards; or Fire Officer Certification; or advanced education as a Certified Engineer, Civil Engineer, Volcanologist or Meteorologist.

Typical Work

Supervises lower level staff who plan, organize, direct, coordinate, and control one or more emergency management projects/programs or who deliver emergency management related services; 

Acts as a subject matter and/or technical expert for emergency management programs and activities; 

Supervises project managers in the development, dissemination, and adoption of emergency management standards, and procedures; assigns and reviews work; and ensures consistency with required formats; 

Establishes, develops, maintains and issues emergency management program standards for work techniques, processes or materials based on research of industry standards and best practice, technological requirements, and state and federal rules and guidelines; 

Plans, coordinates, and develops action plans, and implements program changes; 

Establishes, develops and maintains cooperative relationships with other government entities, the business sector, community organizations, and/or local, state, tribal and federal officials in support of emergency management functions and goals; 

Determines proposal, grant and budget report requirements; 

Develops, prepares, and monitors reports, proposals, grants, and budgets for designated emergency management projects/programs; 

Develops and implements programs to monitor grants to ensure grant guidelines are met; 

Develops, negotiates, and monitors contracts with public and private entities to include local governments and community organizations following contracting requirements; 

Develops policy positions related to projects/programs; 

Manages program requirements that support local jurisdictions and state agencies concerning compliance with program fiscal needs and activities; 

Develops, negotiates, monitors and administers grants, contracts and/or budgets; 

Manages, delivers and assesses training/education activities;

Develops, manages, and/or acts as an active participant in tabletop, functional or full scale exercises; 

Writes, coordinates, and reviews emergency/disaster response plans and procedures; 

Drafts legislation to respond to changing emergency management program requirements as appropriate to support projects/programs; 

Drafts testimony for legislative hearings; 

Represents agency at professional, local, state, regional, or national meetings related to projects/programs; 

Serves in an operational capacity as a manager in the state Emergency Operations Center, Joint Information Center and/or field offices or command posts; 

Performs other duties as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: principles of emergency management, the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the incident command system; performance management principles; concepts for development of training using adult learning styles; state and federal rules and regulations related to emergency management and personnel functions. 

Ability to: manage, coordinate, monitor and evaluate multiple projects or programs having a specific goal to be achieved within a specific time; communicate effectively both verbally and in writing to conduct training, provide proactive responses, advice, reports and comprehensive documentation; convey ideas and information in writing using language that is appropriate to both the complexity of the topic and the knowledge and understanding of the listener/reader; work in an environment requiring strong customer relations, negotiations and problem resolution skills; facilitate meeting groups and committees to gain consensus; employ leadership skills to motivate and engage program staff and other stakeholders; make recommendations that balance competing interests based on program needs.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

One year of experience as an Emergency Management Program Specialist 3, 


A Bachelor's degree and five years of professional level experience in emergency management, homeland security, mitigation and/or disaster recovery planning, emergency communications systems, financial management (grant management, contracting, claims management, budgeting), training/education, public information/affairs, program/project management, scientific environmental analysis or planning, civil/structural engineering, legislative affairs, and/or urban planning, 


One year of supervisory experience. 

Additional qualifying experience will substitute, year for year, for the education requirement. A Master’s or Ph.D. degree will substitute for one year of the emergency management experience requirement. 

Note: Qualifying Program/Project management is defined as: Directing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating a project or program having a specific goal to be achieved within a specific time frame.

Class Specification History

New class replaces 46014 Emergency Management Section Supervisor; effective June 1, 2005.
Salary adjustment; adopted June 30, 2015, effective July 1, 2015.
Add class series concept, revise definition, add distinguishing characteristics; adopted February 11, 2016, effective February 12, 2016.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.