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MyPortal - delete communication data (Email)

Use this procedure to delete your e-mail address. Note: Your work e-mail address is required to support Single Sign On. In addition, if you delete your e-mail address without creating a new e-mail address record, you will not receive password reset requests.

Step 1

Click the My Communication Data tile.

Home screen is displayed with the My Communication Data tile selected.

Step 2

Click the Delete button.

My Communication Data screen is displayed, populated with example user name and email data. Delete button is highlighted.

Employees who are not the leave and/or MWE approvers will not see a manager name displayed in the header below Organization Unit.

If a manager’s position is double filled, the manager name displayed on the header may not be an employee’s direct manager. Contact your manager or HR/Payroll office at for questions.

Step 3

Click OK to delete the e-mail address or Cancel to return to the My Communication Data screen.

Confirmation pop-up window is displayed, asking "Do you want to delete the record?" Options are OK or Cancel. The OK option is highlighted.

A “Record deleted” message will confirm the e-mail address has been deleted.

My Communication Data window is displayed with "Record deleted" message highlighted.


Date Updated
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