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355 - Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Through September 2024

Auth Code Fund Reapprop Provisos Current Biennium Appropriation Budgeted Cost of Work (Allotted) Actual Cost of Work Outstanding Contracting Balance (Encumbered) Total Dollars Obligated Percent Obligated Percent Expended Biennium to Date Variance (Allotted - Actuals)
This Month Biennium to Date This Month Biennium to Date
30000022 - Rehabilitation of Beverly Bridge
A01 057 Y N 155,500 155,500 155,500
H90 001 Y N 429,000 429,000 429,000
Totals 584,500 584,500 584,500%
30000023 - 2019-21 Historic County Courthouse Grant
A02 057 Y N 48,740 48,740 48,740
40000001 - 2019-21 Historic Cemetery Grant Program
A04 057 Y N 59,150 59,150 40,600 40,600 69% 69% 18,550
40000003 - Ebey's National Historic Reserve
A05 057 Y N 406,910 21,421 192,700 158,611 296,677 88,463 385,140 95% 73% (103,977)
40000005 - 21-23 Heritage Barn Grants
C01 057 Y N 504,360 504,360 104,573 294,352 398,925 79% 21% 399,787
40000006 - 21-23 Historic County Courthouse Rehabil
C02 057 Y N 1,501,930 1,501,930 1,500,128 1,500,128 100% 1,501,930
40000007 - 21-23 Historic Cemetery Grant Program
C03 057 Y N 95,430 95,430 28,188 19,974 48,162 50% 30% 67,242
40000012 - 21-23 Historic Theater Capital Grant Pro
C04 057 Y N 158,870 158,870 96,526 96,526 61% 61% 62,344
40000015 - 2023-25 Historic County Courthouse Rehabilitation Grant Program
D00 057 N N 3,162,000 566,668 635,943 180,017 2,931,011 3,111,028 98% 6% 455,926
40000016 - 2023-25 Historic Cemetery Grant Program
D01 057 N N 515,000 868 12,150 16,728 490,920 507,648 99% 3% (4,578)
40000017 - 2023-25 Historic Theater Capital Grant Program
D02 057 N N 515,000 868 12,150 12,264 493,629 505,893 98% 2% (114)
40000018 - 2023-25 Heritage Barn Grant Program
D03 057 N N 1,000,000 1,685 23,597 45,803 944,849 990,652 99% 5% (22,206)
355 - Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Totals 8,551,890 591,510 3,829,520 158,611 6,763,326 7,584,702 848% 268% 3,008,144%