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350 - Superintendent of Public Instruction

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Through September 2024

Auth Code Fund Reapprop Provisos Current Biennium Appropriation Budgeted Cost of Work (Allotted) Actual Cost of Work Outstanding Contracting Balance (Encumbered) Total Dollars Obligated Percent Obligated Percent Expended Biennium to Date Variance (Allotted - Actuals)
This Month Biennium to Date This Month Biennium to Date
30000145 - 2013-15 School Construction Assistance P
S03 057 Y N 1,436,870 35,200 281,155 22,798 362,452 385,250 27% 2% 258,357
30000169 - 2015-17 School Construction Assistance P
T93 113 Y N 94,534,190 78,000 628,981 187,282 207,912 671,951 879,863 0.93% 0.21% 421,069
30000197 - Tri-Tech Skill Center - Core Growth
U89 057 Y N 45,390 41,337 41,337 41,337 91% 91%
40000003 - 2017-19 School Construction Assistance P
C19 057 Y N 581,050 581,050 64,698 1,414,237 1,478,935 255% 11% 516,352
U19 113 Y N 47,936,820 176,485 2,729,166 497,956 1,012,240 6,051,400 7,063,640 15% 2% 1,716,926
Totals 48,517,870 176,485 3,310,216 497,956 1,348,985 7,465,637 8,542,575 269% 13% 2,233,278%
40000013 - 2019-21 School Construction Assistance P
A00 057 Y N 40,590
A01 113 Y N 66,929,660 2,148,038 29,530,369 513,344 26,359,983 26,000,420 52,360,403 78% 39% 3,170,386
Totals 66,970,250 2,148,038 29,530,369 513,344 27,708,968 26,000,420 52,360,403 78% 39% 3,170,386%
40000015 - West Sound Technical Skills Center Moder
A03 057 Y N 10,365,100 10,365,098 10,365,098 10,365,098 100% 100%
40000015 - West Sound Technical Skills Center Modernization
D00 359 N N 755,000 75,500 75,500 755,000 755,000 100% 100% (679,500)
D32 113 N N 40,606,000 4,060,599 4,060,599 1,463,429 2,710,785 37,895,215 40,606,000 100% 7% 1,349,814
Totals 41,361,000 4,136,099 4,136,099 1,463,429 41,539,851 37,895,215 41,361,000 200% 107% 670,314%
40000019 - School District Health and Safety 2019-2
A06 057 Y N 100,850 40,168 40,168
40000023 - Skills Centers Minor Works
A09 057 Y N 264,410 139,056 47,500 47,500 18% 18% 91,556
40000034 - 2021-23 School Construction Assistance P
C01 057 Y N 208,540,850 7,972,244 134,006,244 3,088,520 141,323,855 67,154,000 208,477,855 100% 68% (7,317,611)
C02 113 Y N 28,428,500 1,419,115 13,391,755 114,024 15,328,472 11,705,326 27,033,798 95% 54% (1,936,717)
N01 113 Y N 2,207,420
Totals 239,176,770 9,391,359 147,397,999 3,202,544 198,239,678 78,859,326 235,511,653 195% 122% (9,254,328%)
40000039 - 2021-23 Small District and Tribal Compac
C05 057 Y N 19,708,310 19,708,310 150,566 16,520,480 2,338,445 18,858,925 96% 84% 3,187,830
40000040 - 2021-23 Skills Centers Minor Works
C06 057 Y N 3,254,530 2,902,226 2,333,235 568,991 2,902,226 89% 72% 568,991
40000048 - Pierce County Skills Center - Evergreen
C07 057 Y N 9,468,560 789,000 8,679,557 2,566,840 8,121,424 1,347,133 9,468,557 100% 86% 558,133
40000050 - Seattle Public Schools Skills Center - R
C08 057 Y N 300,000 300,000 300,000 100%
40000051 - Puget Sound Skills Center Preservation
C09 057 Y N 1,024,000 85,300 682,800 678,894 345,106 1,024,000 100% 66% 3,906
40000052 - 2021-23 School District Health and Safet
C10 113 Y N 1,136,330 (50,571) 1,042,088 1,002,059 66,402 1,068,461 94% 88% 40,029
C11 057 Y N 1,438,590 1,419,387 943,734 475,652 1,419,386 99% 66% 475,653
Totals 2,574,920 (50,571) 2,461,475 227,839,504 542,054 2,487,847 193% 154% 515,682%
40000056 - 2021-23 Career Preparation and Launch Gr
C13 113 Y N 246,440 246,440 84,600 84,600 34% 34% 161,840
40000063 - School Construction Assistance Grants
D04 057 N Y 117,522,000 9,098,068 29,915,068 931,790 4,709,092 112,263,586 116,972,678 100% 4% 25,205,976
D05 113 N Y 169,871,000 834,091 1,122,654 3,118,929 4,241,583 2% 0.66% (1,122,654)
Q03 113 N Y 1,500,000 375,000 375,000
Totals 288,893,000 9,098,068 30,290,068 1,765,881 233,755,850 115,382,515 121,214,261 102% 5% 24,458,322%
40000063 - Study and Survey Grants
D06 113 N Y 4,757,000 206,000 1,767,000 11,334 288,320 1,986,303 2,274,623 48% 6% 1,478,680
40000065 - Energy Assessment Grants
D08 26C N Y 6,800,000 58,007 58,007 0.85% 0.85% (58,007)
40000065 - Planning and Moderization Grants to State-Tribal Compact Schools
D11 057 N Y 12,145,000 12,145,000 53,631 546,948 11,597,117 12,144,065 100% 5% 11,598,052
40000065 - Modernization Grants for Small School Districts
D12 113 N Y 191,646,000 8,757,617 28,085,305 28,085,305 15% 15% (28,085,305)
Q01 113 N Y (1,500,000) (1,500,000)
Totals 191,646,000 (1,500,000) 8,757,617 262,734,430 28,085,305 15% 15% (29,585,305%)
40000065 - Planning Grants for Small School Districts
D13 113 N Y 2,307,000 31,477 1,142,275 1,142,275 50% 50% (1,142,275)
40000065 - SHB 1044 Preconstruction Grants and Administrative Implementation
D33 113 N Y 1,982,000
40000066 - 2023-25 School Seismic Safety Grant Program
D14 057 N N 40,000,000
40000067 - Unexpected And Imminent Health And Safety Hazards At K-12 Public Schools
D35 113 N Y 11,000,000 710,460 2,899,453 837,942 3,054,094 3,377,421 6,431,515 58% 28% (154,641)
40000067 - Urgent Repair Grants To Address Nonreccurring Urgent Small Repair Projects
D36 113 N Y 12,700,000 364,623 581,534 581,534 5% 5% (581,534)
40000067 - Equal Access Grants For Facility Repairs And Alterations At K-12 Public Schools
D37 113 N Y 4,600,000 365,040 967,583 967,583 21% 21% (967,583)
40000068 - Grants For Replacement Of Lead-Contaminated Plumbing
D21 057 N Y 1,500,000 266,681 647,121 647,121 43% 43% (647,121)
40000068 - Healthy Kids And Healthy Schools Grants
D22 113 N Y 11,500,000 563,099 2,438,643 2,438,643 21% 21% (2,438,643)
40000069 - 2023-25 Career Preparation and Launch Capital Grants
D23 113 N N 4,000,000 334,696 2,342,969 2,342,969 59% 59% (2,342,969)
40000070 - 2023-25 Skills Centers Minor Works
D38 113 N N 5,135,000 658,250 1,743,800 166,425 588,434 4,546,566 5,135,000 100% 11% 1,155,366
40000090 - K-12 Capital Programs Administration
D25 113 N N 4,839,000 201,700 2,822,000 155,787 2,022,263 2,022,263 42% 42% 799,737
40000099 - Chief Leschi School HVAC
D26 26C N N 10,000,000 10,000,000 1,347,309 10,000,000 10,000,000 100% 100%
D27 057 N N 15,000,000 3,000,000 15,000,000 3,171,034 3,171,034 11,828,966 15,000,000 100% 21% 11,828,966
Totals 25,000,000 3,000,000 25,000,000 4,518,343 289,690,380 11,828,966 25,000,000 200% 121% 11,828,966%
40000104 - Assessment Grants for Districts Exceeding 3,000 Enrollments
D41 113 N Y 3,750,000
D42 26C N Y 7,500,000
Totals 11,250,000 289,690,380
40000104 - Grants for Districts 3,000 Enrollments or Fewer
D43 113 N Y 11,250,000
D44 26C N Y 22,000,000
Totals 33,250,000 289,690,380
40000104 - ICOS Modifications
D45 113 N Y 25,000
40000104 - Air Quality Grants Schools Near Airports
D46 26C N Y 500,000
91000464 - 2021-23 Healthy Kids-Healthy Schools: Ph
C03 113 Y N 447,660 447,660 185,232 185,232 41% 41% 262,428
91000465 - 2021-23 Healthy Kids-Healthy Schools: Re
C14 113 Y N 270,000
C15 057 Y N 2,970,050 124,214 4,573 1,891,297 1,895,870 64% 0.15% 119,641
Totals 3,240,050 124,214 289,880,185 1,891,297 1,895,870 64% 0.15% 119,641%
91000466 - Green Schools: Stormwater Infrastructure Projects
D28 23R N N 575,000 345,000 157,750 311,500 311,500 54% 54% 33,500
91000483 - Healthy Kids/Healthy Schools - T-12 Ligh
C38 057 Y N 1,484,680 124,379 124,379 124,379 8% 8%
91000491 - HB 1044 - Capital Assistance to Small School Districts
D29 057 N N 3,979,000
91000509 - Energy Assessment Grants
D49 26C N Y 4,900,000
91000509 - ICOS Modifications
D50 113 N Y 50,000
91000519 - School-based Health and Behavioral Health Clinics
D51 057 N N 2,064,000 59,600 59,600 596,000 596,000 29% 59,600
91000534 - Career and Technical Education Projects
D52 113 N N 68,203,000 6,820,300 6,820,300 198,600 686,980 67,516,020 68,203,000 100% 1% 6,133,320
91000535 - School Construction Assistance Program Revision (SCAPR) Planning
D53 113 N N 1,000,000
92000036 - STEM Facility Improvements
C46 057 Y N 1,600,000 160,000 320,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 100% 320,000
92000039 - K-3 Class-size Reduction Grants
T38 057 Y N 3,224,790 974,873 827 127,875 128,702 4% 0.02% 974,046
92000041 - Distressed Schools
U56 057 Y N 405,310 405,310 261,863 143,446 405,309 100% 65% 143,447
92000139 - 2019-21 Small District Modernization Gra
A11 057 Y N 888,750 724,469 22,749 712,935 712,935 80% 80% 11,534
92000140 - 2019-21 STEM Grants
A12 057 Y N 3,880
92000142 - 2019-21 Distressed Schools
A13 057 Y N 2,632,400 2,322,627 1,848,103 431,857 2,279,960 87% 70% 474,524
92000148 - 2019-21 School Seismic Safety Retrofit P
A02 057 Y N 6,200,060 (2,338,246) 1,877,504 54,097 1,675,514 4,634,985 6,310,499 102% 27% 201,990
92000917 - 2021-23 Distressed Schools
C18 057 Y N 14,656,710 14,656,710 1,634,032 4,022,961 10,619,796 14,642,757 100% 27% 10,633,749
92000923 - 2021-23 School Seismic Safety Grant Prog
C37 057 Y N 99,929,320 1,251,138 1,631,663 7,271 1,136,698 11,660,848 12,797,546 13% 1% 494,965
92000925 - 2022 Small District and Tribal Compact S
C45 057 Y N 6,981,190 6,981,188 4,661,410 4,661,410 67% 67% 2,319,778
92000928 - 2023-25 Distressed Schools
D30 057 N N 21,740,000 13,740,000 607,620 13,132,380 13,740,000 63% 3% 13,132,380
D54 113 N N 10,375,000 1,037,500 1,037,500 10,375,000 10,375,000 100% 1,037,500
Totals 32,115,000 1,037,500 14,777,500 305,930,975 23,507,380 24,115,000 163% 3% 14,169,880%
92000931 - 2023-25 Agricultural Science in Schools Grant to FFA Foundation
D31 057 N N 5,000,000 250,000 2,500,000 4,997,420 2,580 5,000,000 100% 100% (2,497,420)
92001066 - 2024 School Construction Assistance Program Enhancement
D55 113 N N 24,216,000
D56 057 N N 55,000,000 8,967,957 8,967,957 16%
Totals 79,216,000 310,928,395 8,967,957 8,967,957 16%
350 - Superintendent of Public Instruction Totals 1,551,975,260 37,903,680 360,811,604 28,849,036 437,115,659 748,044,054 3,783% 1,964% 49,883,209%