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OFM has developed profiles from the 2000 federal census data. Ten separate profiles are available for general population and housing characteristics, extracted from Summary File (SF) 1 data (100% data).
SAS dataset for Washington
In- and out-migration flow data and the characteristics of these migrants for states and sub-state areas can only be derived from the individual state 2000 Census Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS). While in-migrants to any given state can be analyzed using that state's file, analysis of out-migration requires analyzing data from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Summary File 1
Summary File 1 (SF1) includes statistical data on the following population items: sex, age, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship, and household and family characteristics. Housing items include occupancy status and tenure (whether the unit is owner- or renter-occupied).
SAS dataset for Washington
The Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) file for Washington State Census 2000 data contain individual records of the characteristics for a 5 percent sample of people and housing units. The PUMS data are available for geographic units known as super-Public Use Microdata Areas (super-PUMAs) and Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs). Each super-PUMA contains a minimum population of 400,000 and each PUMA contains a minimum population threshold of 100,000.
These 4-page demographic profiles are based upon the responses to census long-form questions. Some of the characteristics included in these profile tables available here are: