Other pages about the topic: Education

New tool makes it easier to track high school graduate outcomes

A new and improved version of an online dashboard that makes it even easier to monitor postsecondary outcomes for Washington high school graduates is now available.

The High School Graduate Outcomes dashboard, created by the Education Research and Data Center in the state Office of Financial Management, has displayed first-year college enrollment, persistence, completion and earnings of high school graduates by school district and individual school.

ERDC studies link between financial aid, graduation rates

OLYMPIA – College students with fewer of their financial needs met through aid are less likely to finish their degree than those who received more financial aid. That, and other findings about the relationship between financial need and college graduation rates, are included in a report released recently by the Washington Office of Financial Management’s Education Research and Data Center.

Cost-Effective K-3 Classrooms Assessment

An analysis of advanced sustainable materials, innovative design and procurement options

Educational attainment (mapped by county)

Percent high school graduates

Population Age 25 and Above, 2022

Jefferson (97.1%), Whitman (95.8%), San Juan (95.8%), and Island (95.7%) County had the highest percentages of high school graduates in the period between 2018-2022.

Higher education expenditures per capita

Washington State & Local Government Higher Education Expenditures Per Capita

Inflation-Adjusted to 2022 Dollars
