Other pages about the topic: 17-19 budget
2018 supplemental operating budget
2018 supplemental transportation budget
Governor Inslee’s proposed capital budget appropriates over $4 billion (all funds) for state construction projects, grant and loan programs for local governments, and to build and improve K-12 schools and facilities for higher education. An average of 10,628 jobs per year will be created or sustained by the work funded in the capital budget.
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The individual agency Recommendation Summaries reflect the dollar and FTE differences between current biennium (2015-17) expenditure authority and the Governor's proposed 2017-19 budget for Average Annual FTEs, General Fund-State, Other Funds, and Total Funds.
Formatting conventions in this document include the following:
2017-2027 Ten-year project plan and appropriation detail
The following section presents three tables that describe the 2017-2027 capital plan. The first table, the Ten-Year Capital Plan Project Listing, displays the recommended capital plan for each agency by project and fund source. Table 2 displays the 2017-19 capital program by source of funds, and Table 3 displays the 2017-2027 ten-year plan by appropriation type.
Assumptions used in the development of the Ten-Year Plan include the following: