Pollution Liability Insurance Program

2023-25 Underground Storage Tank Capital Financial Assistance Pgm


Funding is provided for financial assistance to landowners and small business operators throughout Washington to remove, remediate and upgrade underground storage tank systems.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 12,000,000 48,000,000 60,000,000
Funds: PLIA Underground Storage Tank Revolving Account - State 60,000,000

2023-25 Heating Oil Capital Financing Assistance Program


Funding is provided to assist heating oil tank owners to remediate past releases or prevent future releases of oil by upgrading, replacing or removing a heating oil tank.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 8,000,000 32,000,000 40,000,000
Funds: PLIA Underground Storage Tank Revolving Account - State 40,000,000