Department of Enterprise Services

Capitol Lake Long-Term Management Planning


The Capitol Lake–Deschutes Estuary includes the 260-acre Capitol Lake Basin. The community is prohibited from actively using this waterbody, which is a significant portion of the Olympia and Tumwater waterfront, because it is plagued with environmental issues including the presence of invasive species and inadequate sediment management. These issues have resulted in known and continued violations of federal and state water-quality standards. A Final Environmental Impact Statement, required before any long-term management alternatives could be pursued, was issued in October 2022. It demonstrates that restoring the estuary is the alternative that will meet project goals and address the many issues that have plagued the water body for decades. This funding will support design and permitting of a significant estuary restoration.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
4,754,000 1,661,000 0 17,022,000 225,000,000 248,437,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 248,437,000

Elevator Modernization


Department of Enterprise Services manages 77 elevators in its portfolio of buildings, many of which are beyond their useful and expected life. The Elevator Modernization Program established a 10 year management plan to modernize specific elevators on a prioritized schedule with the most critical elevators first. This funding will modernize elevators in the Insurance building, Temple of Justice, and Plaza garage.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
1,089,000 356,000 1,646,000 3,235,000 68,226,000 74,552,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 74,552,000

Campus Physical Security & Safety Improvements


Projects to improve the security and safety of the Capitol Campus, based on recommendations of a security assessment.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
651,000 1,760,000 2,155,000 12,339,000 1,414,000 18,319,000
Funds: Capitol Building Construction Account - State 6,808,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 11,511,000

Capitol Campus Security & Safety Enhancements


Projects to improve the security and safety of the Capitol Campus, based on recommendations of a security assessment.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 1,796,000 4,261,000 2,219,000 17,364,000 25,640,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 25,640,000

Facility Professional Services Staffing


The department has the responsibility to perform public works project management and contract administration for capital projects on state facilities. Funding is provided to support this work.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 29,024,000 0 29,024,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 29,024,000

Campus - Critical Fire System Upgrades


This funding will support fire alarm system replacement in campus buildings. The specific prioritization and scope of work will follow the recommendations of an assessment to be completed in spring 2023.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 2,000,000 0 2,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 2,000,000

B&G Maintenance Facility - Rebuild


The department is responsible for the care and custody of the 485 acre Washington State Capitol Campus, which is managed and maintained by the Capitol Campus grounds maintenance team. This team worked out of the Capitol Campus Conservatory prior to its demolition in 2020-2021. The demolition of the Conservatory forced the grounds maintenance team to relocate to temporary spaces on the campus. In addition, equipment and supplies are also stored in other areas of the campus, such as the Legislative Building basement, Plaza Garage, and Mansion lot. This request will design and construct a new buildings and grounds maintenance facility to support the care and maintenance of the State Capitol grounds.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 5,582,000 0 5,582,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 5,582,000

NRB - Replace Piping for Wet Fire Suppression


The wet fire suppression pipework in the Natural Resources Building is corroding and needs replacing. This project will complete predesign and planning to replace the wet fire suppression pipework throughout the Natural Resources Building.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 250,000 0 250,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 250,000

23-25 Statewide Minor Works - Preservation


Funding for repairs to state-owned facilities or replacement of building system components to preserve the facility or its operations. The request includes specific improvements to buildings and grounds which are necessary to correct life/safety risks, reduce further damage to the facility, minimize future capital expenditures, and address operational impacts on the facilities managed by DES across the state. DES currently provides property management services and maintenance support for 5.5M square feet of office building space, the State Capitol Campus grounds and parks, and approximately 6,000 parking stalls in five counties.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 4,212,000 17,966,000 22,178,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 4,225,000
Funds: Thurston County Capital Facilities Account - State 17,953,000

23-25 Statewide Minor Works - Programmatic


Funding for programmatic repairs to state-owned facilities. The request includes specific improvements to DES managed facilities, including buildings and grounds, to improve the asset’s condition and accommodate changes in service or meet a state agency request. DES currently provides property management services and maintenance support for 5.5M square feet of office building space, the State Capitol Campus grounds and parks, and approximately 6,000 parking stalls in five counties.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 636,000 0 636,000
Funds: Capitol Building Construction Account - State 474,000
Funds: Thurston County Capital Facilities Account - State 162,000

Modular Building - Critical Repairs & Upgrades


A predesign report identified failing and obsolete systems and extensive replacement requirements for the Tumwater Modular Building. This funding will initiate design and replace several doors at this facility. Future plans include the co-location of the department's print and mail operations.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 2,850,000 0 2,850,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 2,850,000

Campus Combined Heat and Power Plant


The Washington State Capitol Campus energy infrastructure, specifically the current steam plant for heating Capitol Campus buildings, is 100 years old, inefficient and at its end of life. The existing steam and condensate piping is aging with increasing risk of failure, both as a whole and to individual buildings. This funding will revisit previous work to explore zero-carbon solutions to create a high-efficiency thermal district energy system for the Capitol Campus.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 300,000 151,532,000 151,832,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 151,832,000

Old Cap - Roof Replacement


In the Old Capitol Building, repeated and extensive water infiltration events have caused significant damage to interior structures and finishes, including plaster, woodwork, carpet and window treatments. This project will prevent future damage to the building by mitigating roof leaks. Additionally, installation of appropriate fall restraint and fall arrest system will facilitate the routine maintenance.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 7,053,000 0 7,053,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 7,053,000

Capitol Campus Emergency Generator Replacement


Emergency generators provide emergency exiting lighting and pathways for safe exiting for staff, visitors and public, as well as back up protection for data and IT systems. This funding will replace the emergency generator assemblies at the Temple of Justice.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 854,000 0 854,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 854,000

Legislative Building Cleaning


Over the last 15 years several studies, inspections and surveys have been completed regarding the exterior condition of select legislative buildings. This analysis has documented a list of recommendations for the preservation of historic Capitol Campus buildings such as exterior cleaning, water-proofing, moss removal, preservation, and stone repairs, among other specific recommendations. Due to the age, size and historical nature of these buildings, exterior work is critically needed to preserve and extend the life and value of these building structures and state assets. Funding is provided for the preservation of the John O’Brien building.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 1,970,000 0 1,970,000
Funds: Capitol Building Construction Account - State 1,970,000

Legislative Campus Modernization


Funding is provided for the continuation of the Legislative Campus Modernization project, which rebuilds and rennovates three campus buildings to better support Legislative needs.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
668,000 3,508,000 74,175,000 137,390,000 0 215,741,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 215,741,000

Temple of Justice HVAC, Lighting & Water Systems


Recent cost escalations in the construction industry forced the department to remove both the lighting and plumbing work from the 2021-23 project scope for the Temple of Justice project. This request will fund both system upgrades, returning the project to its complete scope. Upgrading the three systems (HVAC, lighting, and plumbing) simultaneously will provide the best outcomes for this project.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 4,007,000 0 4,007,000
Funds: Capitol Building Construction Account - State 4,007,000