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Capital Two-Year Project Listing - Department of Children, Youth, and Families

Echo Glen-Housing Unit: Acute Mental Health Unit


This project's reappropriation was increased to reflect additional unspent appropriations in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 2,174,000 2,174,000

Green Hill School-Recreation Building: Replacement


Funding is provided for the construction of a new recreation building at Green Hill School without the addition of a swimming pool. This project's reappropriation was increased to reflect additional unspent appropriations in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 181,000 181,000