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Capital Two-Year Project Listing - Department of Enterprise Services

Capitol Lake Long-Term Management Planning


Funding is provided to support the Capitol Lake long-term management planning process, including to develop a funding strategy for future project phases.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
289 - Thurston County Capital Facilities Account - State 300,000 300,000

Temple of Justice HVAC, Lighting & Water Systems


The funding source is changed due to eligibility requirements provided by the U.S. Treasury for the federal American Rescue Plan Act. In the 2021-23 biennial capital budget, this project was funded to upgrade the HVAC, domestic water infrastructure, and the lighting and controls throughout the Temple of Justice.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 26,000,000 26,000,000
373 - Coronavirus Capital Projects Account - Federal (26,000,000) (26,000,000)
Total for Temple of Justice HVAC, Lighting & Water Systems