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Capital Two-Year Project Listing - Department of Commerce

Public Works Assistance Account Program 2013 Loan List


This project's reappropriation is increased to reflect unspent appropriations and lapsed funds from the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
058 - Public Works Assistance Account - State (708,000) (708,000)

2017 Local and Community Projects


This project's reappropriation is increased to reflect unspent appropriations and lapsed funds from the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 13,000 13,000

2017-19 Housing Trust Fund Program


Additional funding is necessary to complete innovative housing projects funded in the 2017-19 Housing Trust Fund Program. Housing Trust Fund investments are used to preserve and develop affordable housing projects.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 2,030,000 530,000 1,500,000

2017-19 Building Communities Fund Grant


This project's reappropriation is increased to reflect unspent appropriations and lapsed funds from the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 184,000 184,000

Early Learning Facility Grants


This project's reappropriation is increased to reflect unspent appropriations and lapsed funds from the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
22C - Early Learning Facilities Revolving Account - Bonds 62,000 62,000

2019-21 Early Learning Facilities


This project's reappropriation was increased to reflect additional unspent appropriations in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
22D - Early Learning Facilities Development Account - Bonds 339,000 339,000

Seattle Vocational Institute


project's reappropriation was increased to reflect additional unspent appropriations in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 1,000 1,000

2021-23 Building Communities Fund Grant Program


Fund sources were adjusted in the supplemental budget due to updated eligibility information from the Federal Treasury for American Rescue Plan Act funds. The Building Communities Fund is a competitive grant program for social service and multipurpose community center construction projects located in a distressed community or serving low-income individuals.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State (30,146,000) (30,146,000)
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 30,146,000 30,146,000
Total for 2021-23 Building Communities Fund Grant Program

2021-23 Library Capital Improvement Program (LCIP) Grants


Funding was adjusted due to a duplicate project. The Library Capital Improvement Program is a competitive grant program for local public library capital improvement projects.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State (1,100,000) (1,100,000)

2021-23 Clean Energy V-Investing in Washington's Clean Energy


The Clean Energy Fund provides for the development, demonstration, and deployment of clean energy technologies. The supplemental budget funds two additional clean energy projects. One is the first phase of an aluminum smelter restart project which, when fully deployed, will reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by a minimum of 750,000 tons per year, increase energy efficiency, and protect or create aluminum manufacturing jobs located in Whatcom county. The other is a grant to the Grant Public Utility District for a solar manufacturing facility in central Washington.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 10,000,000 10,000,000
355 - State Taxable Building Construction Account - Bonds 7,672,000 7,672,000
Total for 2021-23 Clean Energy V-Investing in Washington's Clean Energy 17,672,000 17,672,000

2021-23 Weatherization Plus Health


Funding is provided for the Weatherization Plus Health Program. This program upgrades low-income homes with energy-efficient improvements and leverages utility and other matching funds.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 10,000,000 10,000,000

2021-23 Housing Trust Fund Investment in Affordable Housing


Fund sources were adjusted in the supplemental budget due to updated eligibility information from the Federal Treasury for American Rescue Plan Act funds. The Housing Trust Fund program builds affordable housing units to serve a broad spectrum of vulnerable populations. This includes individuals with chronic mental illness who need supportive housing and case management services, homeless families, youth and individuals, veterans, farmworkers, seniors and individuals with special needs.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
355 - State Taxable Building Construction Account - Bonds (133,000,000) (133,000,000)
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 133,000,000 133,000,000
Total for 2021-23 Housing Trust Fund Investment in Affordable Housing

2021-23 Rapid Capital Housing Acquisition


Fund sources were adjusted in the supplemental budget due to updated eligibility information from the Federal Treasury for American Rescue Plan Act funds. The Rapid Capital Housing Acquisition program is for Housing Trust Fund eligible entities to acquire hotels or motels at an affordable price, enabling a quicker conversion into shelters, permanent supportive housing or transitional housing units.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State (23,565,000) (23,565,000)
373 - Coronavirus Capital Projects Account - Federal (30,435,000) (30,435,000)
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 54,000,000 54,000,000
Total for 2021-23 Rapid Capital Housing Acquisition

Regional Manufacturing Shovel Ready Site Development


The Regional Manufacturing Shovel Ready Site Development program addresses the need to stay globally competitive, address significant geographic income and employment disparities, and take advantage of anticipated federal infrastructure and innovation funds. It provides grants and loans for localities to complete necessary predevelopment activities, such as environmental, design and infrastructure, for future manufacturing sites.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
355 - State Taxable Building Construction Account - Bonds 7,500,000 7,500,000

Economic Opportunity Grants Authority


Increases authority to award and spend funds from the Rural Washington Loan Fund through the 2021-23 biennium. Commerce administers the federally funded Community Development Block Grant program with these funds. The types of projects the program funds include grants for infrastructure, community facilities, microenterprise revolving loans, and other eligible program activities.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
689 - Rural Washington Loan Account - State 1,083,000 1,083,000

2022 Rapid Capital Housing


Studies show that supportive housing is the gold standard for preventing the chronically homeless from returning to the streets. Some homeless individuals require a temporary accommodation to bridge the gap from homelessness to permanent housing. Lack of siting for building new, affordable housing is a common problem. Funding is provided for Housing Trust Fund eligible entities to acquire tiny homes, hotels or motels at an affordable price, enabling a quicker conversion into shelters, permanent supportive housing or transitional housing units. This funding pays for the property and building retrofit, electrical and plumbing system updates, and conversion to a suitable housing environment without major changes.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 50,000,000 50,000,000
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 284,700,000 284,700,000
Total for 2022 Rapid Capital Housing 334,700,000 334,700,000

2022 Housing Trust Fund Investment in Affordable Housing


The Housing Trust Fund program builds affordable housing units to serve a broad spectrum of vulnerable populations. This includes individuals with chronic mental illness who need supportive housing and case management services, homeless families, youth and individuals, veterans, farmworkers, seniors and individuals with special needs.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 100,000,000 100,000,000

2022 Crisis Stabilization Facilities for Adults


Provides grants to community hospitals or other community providers to expand and establish new capacity for a minimum of ten 16-bed crisis triage and stabilization facilities for adults.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 60,000,000 60,000,000

2022 Residential Crisis Stabilization Facilities for Youth


Funding is provided for grants to community hospitals or other community providers to expand and establish new capacity for at least two residential crisis stabilization facilities for youth. These facilities must increase behavioral health services and capacity for children and minor youth including services for substance use disorder treatment, sexual assault and traumatic stress, anxiety, depression and other interventions for children.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 12,000,000 12,000,000

2023 Local and Community Projects


Funding is provided for local and community projects throughout Washington State.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 20,500,000 20,500,000

EITE Grant Program


This program provides grants for industrial greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies for emissions-intensive, trade-exposed (EITE) industries. It includes identifying, planning and implementing near-term strategies to achieve reductions in the facility’s greenhouse gas emissions; development of a long-term strategy for industrial decarbonization and emissions reduction; and facilitation and consultation assistance to eligible facilities.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
22M - Energy Efficiency Account - State 50,000,000 50,000,000

Ports Infrastructure


The ports system experienced significant challenges associated with COVID-19. Port infrastructure upgrades, including to terminals and warehouses, will assist Washington’s eight major ports. This includes pilot projects at Everett, Seattle and Tacoma.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 15,000,000 15,000,000

Library Capital Improvement Program


This project's reappropriation is increased to reflect unspent appropriations and lapsed funds from the 2019-21 fiscal biennium.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 279,000 279,000

Early Learning COVID-19 Renovation Grants


Funding sources were changed due to eligibility requirements provided by the U.S. Treasury for the American Rescue Plan Act. These grants fund renovations of early learning facilities in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
373 - Coronavirus Capital Projects Account - Federal (8,500,000) (8,500,000)
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 8,500,000 8,500,000
Total for Early Learning COVID-19 Renovation Grants

Work, Education, Health Monitoring Projects


Fund sources were adjusted in the supplemental budget due to updated eligibility information from the Federal Treasury for American Rescue Plan Act funds. These grants provide for critical capital projects directly enabling work, education, and health monitoring, including remote options, in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 926,000 926,000
373 - Coronavirus Capital Projects Account - Federal (926,000) (926,000)
Total for Work, Education, Health Monitoring Projects

Infrastructure Projects


Fund sources were adjusted in the supplemental budget due to updated eligibility information from the Federal Treasury for American Rescue Plan Act funds. These grants are for infrastructure projects to assist the state with economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 23,866,000 23,866,000
058 - Public Works Assistance Account - State 747,000 747,000
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal (24,613,000) (24,613,000)
Total for Infrastructure Projects

Food Banks


Funding is provided to purchase cold storage equipment for the new Yakima Valley Northwest Harvest facility, which will extend the shelf-life of produce that Northwest Harvest distributes to those who need it throughout the state and prevent the need to transport food to a western Washington warehouse and out again to a statewide network of partner agencies. This reduces the number of freight trucks crossing the mountains to collect and distribute food.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 3,200,000 3,200,000

2021-23 Broadband Office


Fund sources were adjusted in the supplemental budget due to updated eligibility information from the Federal Treasury for American Rescue Plan Act funds. This program provides grants to eligible applicants for broadband infrastructure projects and as state match funds to leverage future federal broadband programs.

Appropriation Type and Title Total Supplemental Changes Reappropriations Appropriations
057 - State Building Construction Account - State 258,000 258,000
373 - Coronavirus Capital Projects Account - Federal 108,749,000 108,749,000
706 - Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal (109,007,000) (109,007,000)
Total for 2021-23 Broadband Office