Department of Health

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 2,350.8 374,845 1,582,298 1,957,143
2023-25 Maintenance Level 2,350.8 374,845 1,604,298 1,979,143
Difference from 2025-27 Original 0.0 0 22,000 22,000
% Change from 2025-27 Original 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 1.1%

2023-25 Policy Other Changes

Cannabis Revenue Distributions 0.0 0 34 34
988 Call Centers 0.0 0 13,195 13,195
Native Youth Sports Programs 0.0 375 0 375
HELMS 3.2 2,051 0 2,051
WMCC Implementation Plan 0.0 700 0 700
Safe Medication Return (SMR) 0.80 268 0 268
Reproductive Health Services 0.0 617 0 617
Private Det Delay 0.0 (204) 0 (204)
Cloud Underspend 0.0 (4,620) 0 (4,620)
Opioid Dashboard Underspend 0.0 (1,617) 0 (1,617)
Remove Psylocibin 0.0 (686) 0 (686)
General Variance Savings 0.0 (576) 0 (576)
Drinking Water Fund Swap 0.0 (1,837) 1,837 0
HIV Prevention Fund Swap 0.0 (1,242) 1,242 0
2023-25 Policy Other Changes Total 4.0 (6,771) 16,308 9,537
Total Policy Changes 4.0 (6,771) 16,308 9,537
2025 Policy Level 2,354.8 368,074 1,620,606 1,988,680
Difference from 2025-27 Original 4.0 (6,771) 38,308 31,537
% Change from 2025-27 Original 0.17% (1.8%) 2.4% 1.6%

Policy Changes

Cannabis Revenue Distributions

The Department of Health (DOH) manages a cannabis, vapor product, and tobacco education and public health program. To maintain the education and program operating costs, the department receives a portion of the revenue from cannabis product sales based on distribution criteria included in chapter 169, Laws of 2022. Revenue is adjusted each budget cycle based on the latest revenue forecast. This technical adjustment is necessary to align with the November 2024 revenue forecast. (Dedicated Cannabis Account - State)

988 Call Centers

Increased call volumes to the in-state 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline centers have increased operating costs. Currently, Washington state has 3 three regional 988 call centers, which must maintain a 90% call answer rate. Increased funding will allow call centers to maintain appropriate staffing levels and avoid disruption to service. (Stw988BehavHealth&SuicidePrevLine - State)

Native Youth Sports Programs

Native youth face disproportionate challenges that lead to over representation in the juvenile justice system. This offers indigenous children and adolescents with culturally relevant, sports-based programs to encourage engagement and belonging to prevent youth from entering the juvenile justice system. (General Fund - State)


This funding is provided to support vendor, software, and licensing costs originally estimated to be paid in fiscal year 2026 for the Health Care Enforcement and Licensing Management System (HELMS). (General Fund - State)

WMCC Implementation Plan

One-time funding is provided for the Washington Medical Coordination Center (WMCC). (General Fund - State)

Safe Medication Return (SMR)

Funding is provided one-time to fill the gap between current revenue collection and operating costs. Agency Request Legislation is submitted to address this shortfall in future biennia. (General Fund - State)

Reproductive Health Services

Grants are provided for providers of abortion care who participate in the department's sexual and reproductive health program to purchase state-acquired mifepristone. (General Fund - State)

Private Det Delay

DOH is responsible for inspecting private detention centers operating in Washington state. The department is currently delayed and corresponding funding is held until such time that inspections can be completed. (General Fund - State)

Cloud Underspend

The availability of one-time COVID funds that could be utilized for this work along with project delays results in the identified project underspend. (General Fund - State)

Opioid Dashboard Underspend

The contractual work estimated to complete this project are no longer necessary to complete the dashboard. (General Fund - State)

Remove Psylocibin

"This estimated cost pertains to an earlier bill version. The bill that was passed did not require this work and is no longer necessary." (General Fund - State)

General Variance Savings

Identified savings by delayed hiring of vacant positions and reduction of travel and equipment purchases. This reduction is not intended to reduce services. (General Fund - State)

Drinking Water Fund Swap

Fund 03R has sufficient fund balance to accommodate a one-time swap of eligible program expenditures from the General Fund-State. (General Fund - State, Safe Drinking Water Account - State)

HIV Prevention Fund Swap

The Medication for People Living with HIV Rebate Account has sufficient fund balance to accommodate a one-time swap of eligible program expenditures from the General Fund-State due to grants. This proposal is for a one-time fund swap with the HIV Drug Rebate Account. (General Fund - State, Med for People Living W/HIV Rebate - Non-Appropriated)