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471 - State Conservation Commission

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Through September 2024

Auth Code Fund Reapprop Provisos Current Biennium Appropriation Budgeted Cost of Work (Allotted) Actual Cost of Work Outstanding Contracting Balance (Encumbered) Total Dollars Obligated Percent Obligated Percent Expended Biennium to Date Variance (Allotted - Actuals)
This Month Biennium to Date This Month Biennium to Date
30000017 - Match for Federal RCPP Program
P25 001 Y N 1,400,890 58,022 820,678 31,609 31,609 2% 2% 789,069
40000006 - 2019-21 Match for Federal RCPP
A02 057 Y N (11,778) 117,776 117,776
40000009 - 2019-21 Water Irrigation Efficiencies Pr
A03 057 Y N 2,929,270 (25,207) 3,181,344 10,480 143,981 143,981 5% 5% 3,037,363
40000013 - 2021-23 Conservation Reserve Enhancement
C00 057 Y N 2,977,490 (5,862) 3,036,104 763 8,512 8,512 0.28% 0.28% 3,027,592
40000014 - 2021-23 Water Irrigation Efficiencies Pr
C01 057 Y N 2,000,000 83,333 1,166,662 1,166,662
40000015 - 2021-23 Conservation Reserve Enhancement
C02 552 Y N 160,000 6,667 93,338 93,338
40000016 - 2021-23 Natural Resource Investment for
C03 057 Y N 877,880 (151,562) 2,393,504 2,393,504
40000017 - 2021-23 Regional Conservation Partnershi
C04 057 Y N 5,953,800 235,155 3,602,238 694,022 694,022 12% 12% 2,908,216
40000018 - 2021-23 Improve Shellfish Growing Areas
C05 057 Y N 1,312,400 (91,089) 2,223,288 2,223,288
40000020 - 2021-2023 Farmland Protection and Land A
C08 057 Y N 1,953,590 80,755 1,146,038 742,235 742,235 38% 38% 403,803
40000021 - 2023-25 VSP Project Funding
D00 057 N N 3,000,000 125,000 1,750,000 28,522 724,280 724,280 24% 24% 1,025,720
40000022 - 2023-25 Natural Resource Investment for the Economy & Environment
D01 057 N N 4,000,000 166,667 2,333,338 127,681 1,281,626 1,281,626 32% 32% 1,051,712
40000023 - 2023-25 Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
D03 057 N N 4,000,000 166,667 2,333,338 99,554 1,791,790 1,791,790 45% 45% 541,548
D04 26D N N 11,000,000 458,333 3,666,664 3,666,664
Totals 15,000,000 625,000 6,000,002 99,554 5,418,055 1,791,790 45% 45% 4,208,212%
40000024 - 2023-25 Farmland Protection and Land Access
D05 057 N N 4,000,000 166,667 2,333,338 26,787 26,787 0.66% 0.66% 2,306,551
40000025 - 2023-25 Irrigation Efficiencies
D06 057 N N 2,500,000 62,499 874,986 509,985 2,190,117 2,190,117 88% 88% (1,315,131)
40000026 - 2023-25 Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP)
D07 057 N N 3,000,000 125,000 1,750,000 27,486 1,219,083 1,219,083 41% 41% 530,917
40000027 - 2023-25 Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) PIP
D08 552 N N 100,000 4,167 58,338 58,338
40000028 - 2023-25 Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration & Resiliency Initiative
D09 057 N N 1,500,000 62,500 875,000 5,015 1,049,907 1,049,907 70% 70% (174,907)
40000029 - 2023-25 Improve Shellfish Growing Areas
D10 057 N N 3,500,000 145,833 2,041,662 81,711 1,666,952 1,666,952 48% 48% 374,710
40000038 - 2021-23 Conservation Reserve Enhancement
C11 06A Y N 5,000,000 208,333 2,916,662 2,916,662
91000017 - 2019-21 CREP Riparian Cost Share - State
A06 057 Y N 279,080 (17,162) 450,704 450,704
91000020 - Riparian Restoration with Landowners
C10 06A Y N 3,647,570 63,754 3,010,034 81,036 1,544,264 1,544,264 42% 42% 1,465,770
D11 26D N N 25,000,000 1,381,389 11,186,112 193,389 484,808 484,808 2% 2% 10,701,304
Totals 28,647,570 1,445,143 14,196,146 274,425 13,599,973 2,029,072 44% 44% 12,167,074%
91001830 - Anaerobic Digester Development
D02 26C N N 24,900,000 2,075,000 4,150,000 4,150,000
92000011 - Natural Resource Investment for the Econ
N00 001 Y N 1,000,000 500,000 500,000
92000016 - Voluntary Stewardship Program
C09 057 Y N 1,362,900 34,175 1,021,150 51 5,444 5,444 0.39% 0.39% 1,015,706
92000017 - Whitman County Fire Recovery
D12 057 N N 961,000 40,042 560,588 3,981 504,732 504,732 53% 53% 55,856
92001497 - Skagit County Voluntary Stewardship
D13 057 N N 1,000,000 41,667 583,338 110,186 110,186 11% 11% 473,152
471 - State Conservation Commission Totals 119,315,870 5,488,965 60,176,222 1,169,654 14,220,335 513% 513% 45,955,887%