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307 - Department of Children, Youth, and Families

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Through September 2024

Auth Code Fund Reapprop Provisos Current Biennium Appropriation Budgeted Cost of Work (Allotted) Actual Cost of Work Outstanding Contracting Balance (Encumbered) Total Dollars Obligated Percent Obligated Percent Expended Biennium to Date Variance (Allotted - Actuals)
This Month Biennium to Date This Month Biennium to Date
30002736 - Echo Glen-Housing Unit: Acute Mental Hea
A00 057 Y N 3,897,860 3,897,860 3,619,925 3,619,925 93% 93% 277,935
30003237 - Green Hill School-Recreation Building: R
A02 057 Y N 7,804,680 7,804,680 62,151 1,816,217 1,816,217 23% 23% 5,988,463
40000400 - Minor Works Preservation Projects: State
A05 057 Y N 19,110 19,110 5,238 5,238 27% 27% 13,872
40000532 - Minor Works Preservation Projects - SW 2
C01 042 Y N 739,000 739,000 739,000
40000534 - Green Hill School - Baker North Remodel
C03 057 Y N 5,730,950 5,730,950 98,601 4,439,903 4,439,903 77% 77% 1,291,047
40000546 - Echo Glen Secure Facility Improvements
D02 057 N N 12,554,000 1,240,000 7,989,000 254,942 1,604,533 1,604,533 13% 13% 6,384,467
40000547 - Echo Glen Emergency Generator & Fuel Storage Tank
D00 057 N N 2,630,000 200,000 2,077,500 38,434 112,179 112,179 4% 4% 1,965,321
40000552 - Green Hill Spruce Living Unit Renovation Minimum Security
D01 057 N N 1,270,000 1,270,000 12,528 92,120 92,120 7% 7% 1,177,880
40000557 - Statewide Minor Works
D03 057 N N 2,959,000 323,000 1,862,500 22,065 204,005 204,005 7% 7% 1,658,495
40000584 - Green Hill School HVAC Upgrades
D04 26C N N 3,449,000 88,200 88,200 88,200
D05 057 N N 1,997,000 51,800 79,550 157 157 157 79,393
Totals 5,446,000 140,000 167,750 157 11,894,277 157 167,593%
40000586 - Echo Glen Academic School Walkway Roofing & Lighting
D06 057 N N 500,000 15,000 25,000 25,000
307 - Department of Children, Youth, and Families Totals 43,550,600 1,918,000 31,583,350 488,878 11,894,277 252% 252% 19,689,073%