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World Class Education

Last Updated: 01/07/2025

Give students individual attention

Strategy: Give students individual attention

Agency: 351 - State School For The Blind

A001 - Administration

The administration activity provides leadership in the development and implementation of effective and efficient programs at the Washington State School for the Blind (WSSB).

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 6.2 6.2 6.2
001 - General Fund
State 1,121,000 1,133,000 2,254,000
19B - School for the Blind Account
Non-Appropriated 60,000 60,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 3.0 3.0 3.0
GFS 560,000.0 569,000.0 1,129,000.0
Other 30,000.0 30,000.0
Totals 590,000.0 569,000.0 1,159,000.0
Expected Results

This activity also contributes to the customer satisfaction measure listed with the on campus and off-campus program activity.

A003 - Intensive Training Opportunities

The school provides an extended core curriculum for blind and visually impaired children that focuses on skills relating to orientation and mobility, daily living, and recreation and leisure. Students receive this training while residing in cottages on the campus.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 66.1 66.1 66.1
001 - General Fund
State 6,251,000 6,224,000 12,475,000
19B - School for the Blind Account
Non-Appropriated 1,900,000 166,000 2,066,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 33.0 33.0 33.0
GFS 3,072,000.0 3,139,000.0 6,211,000.0
Other 950,000.0 83,000.0 1,033,000.0
Totals 4,022,000.0 3,222,000.0 7,244,000.0

001589 - Student Independence

Graduates transitioned to employment or post-secondary programs.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 66% 80%
2019-21 A3 100% 80%

001591 - Training opportunities related to blindness education accessed by individuals.

Number of training opportunities related blindness education accessed by individuals.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 9,124 1,000
2019-21 Q2 11,701 1,000
2019-21 Q3 13,191 1,000
2019-21 Q4 13,102 1,000
2019-21 Q5 11,929 1,000
2019-21 Q6 11,742 1,000
2019-21 Q7 0 1,000
2019-21 Q8 0 1,000
2021-23 Q1 10,810 1,000
2021-23 Q2 11,246 1,000
2021-23 Q3 10,526 1,000
2021-23 Q4 8,706 1,000
2021-23 Q5 0 1,000
2021-23 Q6 8,750 1,000
2021-23 Q7 8,376 1,000
2021-23 Q8 0 1,000

001593 - Number of students receiving an education on-campus.

Number of students receiving an education on-campus.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 105 80
2019-21 Q2 79 80
2019-21 Q3 56 80
2019-21 Q4 56 80
2019-21 Q5 67 80
2019-21 Q6 67 80
2019-21 Q7 0 80
2019-21 Q8 0 80
2021-23 Q1 56 80
2021-23 Q2 60 80
2021-23 Q3 59 80
2021-23 Q4 82 80
2021-23 Q5 0 80
2021-23 Q6 72 80
2021-23 Q7 66 80
2021-23 Q8 0 80

002764 - LIFTT Students education/employment

Percentage of Living Independently For Today and Tomorrow (LIFTT) students who, within two years, are employed or are continuing to pursue successful implementation of their Individual Plan of Employment (IPE).
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 100% 100%
2019-21 A3 0% 100%
2021-23 A2 100% 100%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%

002765 - LIFTT Satisfaction Survey

Percentage of LIFTT stakeholders rating services 4.0 or higher, with 5.0 as the highest measure.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 83% 80%
2019-21 A3 0% 80%
2021-23 A2 85% 80%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%

A004 - Off-Campus Services to Students/Districts

Approximately one-sixth of school districts in Washington contract with Outreach Services to obtain itinerant services (direct and consultative) by trained teachers of the blind and visially impaired (BVI). This enables districts to provide visually-impaired students with high-quality services in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 58.2 58.2 58.2
001 - General Fund
State 4,655,000 4,706,000 9,361,000
Local 34,000 34,000 68,000
001 - General Fund Totals 4,689,000 4,740,000 9,429,000
19B - School for the Blind Account
Non-Appropriated 4,056,000 3,666,000 7,722,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 29.0 29.0 29.0
GFS 2,333,000.0 2,385,000.0 4,718,000.0
Other 2,045,000.0 1,850,000.0 3,895,000.0
Totals 4,378,000.0 4,235,000.0 8,613,000.0

001591 - Training opportunities related to blindness education accessed by individuals.

Number of training opportunities related blindness education accessed by individuals.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 9,124 1,000
2019-21 Q2 11,701 1,000
2019-21 Q3 13,191 1,000
2019-21 Q4 13,102 1,000
2019-21 Q5 11,929 1,000
2019-21 Q6 11,742 1,000
2019-21 Q7 0 1,000
2019-21 Q8 0 1,000
2021-23 Q1 10,810 1,000
2021-23 Q2 11,246 1,000
2021-23 Q3 10,526 1,000
2021-23 Q4 8,706 1,000
2021-23 Q5 0 1,000
2021-23 Q6 8,750 1,000
2021-23 Q7 8,376 1,000
2021-23 Q8 0 1,000

001592 - Braille & Recertification exams administered.

Number of teachers/paraprofessionals taking the Braille Competency Exam and Braille Recertification Exam.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 19 19
2019-21 Q2 6 15
2019-21 Q3 29 12
2019-21 Q4 44 10
2019-21 Q5 41 19
2019-21 Q6 30 15
2019-21 Q7 0 12
2019-21 Q8 0 10
2021-23 Q1 0 15
2021-23 Q2 14 12
2021-23 Q3 24 10
2021-23 Q4 24 15
2021-23 Q5 0 15
2021-23 Q6 24 12
2021-23 Q7 40 10
2021-23 Q8 0 10

001594 - Off-Campus Outreach Services

Students served monthly through off-campus (outreach) services.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 684 1,000
2019-21 Q2 1,483 1,000
2019-21 Q3 1,242 1,000
2019-21 Q4 556 1,000
2019-21 Q5 744 1,000
2019-21 Q6 1,040 1,000
2019-21 Q7 0 1,000
2019-21 Q8 0 1,000
2021-23 Q1 429 1,000
2021-23 Q2 1,545 1,000
2021-23 Q3 1,512 1,000
2021-23 Q4 0 1,000
2021-23 Q5 0 1,000
2021-23 Q6 1,485 1,000
2021-23 Q7 1,719 1,000
2021-23 Q8 0 1,000

001595 - Districts receiving services from WSSB

Districts receiving services from WSSB will rate the services 4.0 or higher with 5 being the highest possible rating
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 98% 92%
2019-21 A3 0% 92%

002767 - Number of Birth to Three Children

Number of Birth to Three children identified as blind and visually impaired (BVI).
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 172 350
2019-21 A3 0 400
2021-23 A2 151 350
2021-23 A3 0 0

002768 - Birth to Three Children referred for Services within four months of diagnosis.

Percentage of blind and visually impaired (BVI) B-3 children receiving services within 4 months of their diagnosis.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 61% 75%
2019-21 A3 0% 75%
2021-23 A2 75% 75%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%

A005 - On-Campus 24-Hour Educational Program

As required by both state and federal law, the on-campus educational program in Vancouver offers short-term, 24-hour educational services to blind and visually impaired children, ages kindergarten to 21 years. In addition to academic instruction, students are taught necessary skills to achieve independence and successful transition into the community. The school has had as much as a two-year waiting list for admission. It also serves as an evaluation center for blind children throughout Washington.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 72.2 72.2 72.2
001 - General Fund
State 9,131,000 9,383,000 18,514,000
19B - School for the Blind Account
Non-Appropriated 2,344,000 899,000 3,243,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 36.5 36.5 36.5
GFS 4,555,000.0 4,714,000.0 9,269,000.0
Other 1,172,000.0 449,000.0 1,621,000.0
Totals 5,727,000.0 5,163,000.0 10,890,000.0

001585 - Students taking Distance Learning courses

Percent of Washington State School for the Blind high school students enrolled in on-line classes.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 7% 5%
2019-21 Q2 22% 5%
2019-21 Q3 8% 5%
2019-21 Q4 8% 5%
2019-21 Q5 8% 5%
2019-21 Q6 8% 5%
2019-21 Q7 0% 5%
2019-21 Q8 0% 5%
2021-23 Q1 0% 0%
2021-23 Q2 0% 0%
2021-23 Q3 0% 0%
2021-23 Q4 5% 0%
2021-23 Q5 0% 0%
2021-23 Q6 0% 0%
2021-23 Q7 0% 0%
2021-23 Q8 0% 0%

001591 - Training opportunities related to blindness education accessed by individuals.

Number of training opportunities related blindness education accessed by individuals.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 9,124 1,000
2019-21 Q2 11,701 1,000
2019-21 Q3 13,191 1,000
2019-21 Q4 13,102 1,000
2019-21 Q5 11,929 1,000
2019-21 Q6 11,742 1,000
2019-21 Q7 0 1,000
2019-21 Q8 0 1,000
2021-23 Q1 10,810 1,000
2021-23 Q2 11,246 1,000
2021-23 Q3 10,526 1,000
2021-23 Q4 8,706 1,000
2021-23 Q5 0 1,000
2021-23 Q6 8,750 1,000
2021-23 Q7 8,376 1,000
2021-23 Q8 0 1,000

001593 - Number of students receiving an education on-campus.

Number of students receiving an education on-campus.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 105 80
2019-21 Q2 79 80
2019-21 Q3 56 80
2019-21 Q4 56 80
2019-21 Q5 67 80
2019-21 Q6 67 80
2019-21 Q7 0 80
2019-21 Q8 0 80
2021-23 Q1 56 80
2021-23 Q2 60 80
2021-23 Q3 59 80
2021-23 Q4 82 80
2021-23 Q5 0 80
2021-23 Q6 72 80
2021-23 Q7 66 80
2021-23 Q8 0 80

002831 - High School Graducation Rates

High school graduation rates for students attending comprehensive programs.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 100% 100%
2019-21 A3 0% 100%
2021-23 A2 100% 100%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%

002832 - Graduate post-secondary transition

Percentage of graduates registered for adult services supporting post-secondary transition prior to graduating high school.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 100% 90%
2019-21 A3 0% 90%
2021-23 A2 100% 90%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%

A006 - Student Transportation

This activity provides for the transportation of students living at home in the Vancouver area and throughout the state. Students in the Vancouver area are transported by Educational Service District #112 (contracted service).

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2.3 2.3 2.3
001 - General Fund
State 1,004,000 1,096,000 2,100,000
19B - School for the Blind Account
Non-Appropriated 24,000 24,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 1.0 1.0 1.0
GFS 552,000.0 549,000.0 1,101,000.0
Other 12,000.0 12,000.0
Totals 564,000.0 549,000.0 1,113,000.0
Expected Results

This activity also contributes to the customer satisfaction measure listed with the On-Campus 24-Hour Educational Program activity.