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World Class Education

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Provide general education support for students

Strategy: Provide general education support for students

Agency: 350 - Superintendent of Public Instruction

A002 - Administration

The Superintendent of Public Instruction is a statewide elected official charged with the constitutional responsibility of overseeing Washington’s public school system. Functions included in this activity are the Superintenent's office, state policy and federal liaison offices,civil rights compliance, budget and fiscal services, school apportionment servoces. communications, human resources, and agency support information technology services, and school district audit resolution.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 339.7 367.5 353.6
001 - General Fund
State 47,408,000 48,065,000 95,473,000
17F - WA Opportunity Pathways Account
State 426,000 144,000 570,000
18E - Educator Certification Processing A
Non-Appropriated 2,322,000 2,497,000 4,819,000
25C - Elem & Sec Sch Emerg Rel III Acct
Federal 5,954,000 1,094,000 7,048,000
553 - Performance Audits of Government
State 216,000 210,000 426,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 264,000 2,324,000 2,588,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 168.7 180.8 174.8
GFS 24,021,000.0 25,985,000.0 50,006,000.0
Other 3,912,000.0 2,520,000.0 6,432,000.0
Totals 27,933,000.0 28,505,000.0 56,438,000.0
Expected Results

Statewide and district-specific results from the Washington Assessment of Student Learning are included in the Washington Report Card (

A003 - Assessment

Assessment provides all schools in Washington with tests to measure student achievement of basic academic requirements and more advanced skills. This activity develops or selects and administers all state assessments and reports achievement data for individual students, schools, districts and the overall state. This information helps districts and schools refine instructional practices and focus curriculum.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2.9 2.9 2.9
001 - General Fund
State 536,000 5,151,000 5,687,000

Education Reform

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 33.0 48.9 41.0
001 - General Fund
State 58,845,000 59,063,000 117,908,000
Federal 15,868,000 15,868,000 31,736,000
001 - General Fund Totals 74,713,000 74,931,000 149,644,000
08A - Education Legacy Trust Account
State 1,662,000 1,666,000 3,328,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 17.8 25.9 21.9
GFS 29,691,000.0 34,390,000.0 64,081,000.0
Other 8,765,000.0 8,767,000.0 17,532,000.0
Totals 38,456,000.0 43,157,000.0 81,613,000.0
Expected Results

Beginning in 2002, increase the percentage of students meeting standard in reading on the WASL to meet adequate yearly progress (AYP).

A005 - Migrant and Bilingual Education

The purpose of bilingual, or language acquisition, education is to ensure that students receive grade-level instruction while they develop the English language skills needed to study at grade level in a regular English classroom. Federal programs also provude funding to meet the special needs of migrant children, including providing those students an opportunity to meet high academic standards, coordination of intra- and interstate migrant services, and encouraging family lliteracy. In addition, this activity provides for school districts receiving federal grants related to bilingual and migrant educational programs.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 1.1 1.2 1.2
001 - General Fund
State 7,610,000 7,366,000 14,976,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2.6 0.90 1.8
001 - General Fund
State 3,385,000 7,950,000 11,335,000
25C - Elem & Sec Sch Emerg Rel III Acct
Federal 12,368,000 12,368,000

Transitional Bilingual Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 486,950,000 496,772,000 983,722,000
Federal 132,003,000 112,238,000 244,241,000
001 - General Fund Totals 618,953,000 609,010,000 1,227,963,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 2.4 1.9 2.2
GFS 255,472,000.0 268,332,000.0 523,804,000.0
Other 79,684,000.0 63,617,000.0 143,301,000.0
Totals 335,156,000.0 331,949,000.0 667,105,000.0
Expected Results

Beginning in 2002, increase the percentage of students meeting standard in reading and writing on the WASL to meet adequate yearly progress (AYP). Statewide and district-specific results from the Washington Assessment of Student Learning are included in the Washington Report Card (

A010 - Educational Service Districts

Educational Service Districts (ESDs) assist school districts in increasing student achievement, performing fiscal and data processing functions, and meeting state and federal requirements. State funding for ESD core services represents less than five percent of total ESD funding. The remainder of ESD funding comes from other state and federal programs, and from contracts with school districts.

Educational Service Districts

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 82,424,000 74,918,000 157,342,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 2,700,000 2,700,000 5,400,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 41,625,000.0 39,138,000.0 80,763,000.0
Other 1,350,000.0 1,350,000.0 2,700,000.0
Totals 42,975,000.0 40,488,000.0 83,463,000.0
Expected Results

Work with the Legislature, school districts, and other educational partners to develop and implement policies that promote local fiscal flexibility in using state categorical funds to improve student performance.

A014 - Institutional Education

The state provides basic education and necessary support services to school-aged children who reside in institutions such as county and city detention centers, group homes, institutions for neglected and delinquent children, residential rehabilitation centers, and state correctional facilities. Students are served annually in 220-day educational programs.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 2,452,000 2,452,000 4,904,000

Institutional Education

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 29,645,000 29,987,000 59,632,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 400,000 400,000 800,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 16,873,000.0 17,479,000.0 34,352,000.0
Totals 16,873,000.0 17,479,000.0 34,352,000.0
Expected Results

Beginning in 2002, decrease the percentage of students who drop out of high school each year to meet adequate yearly progress (AYP). Statewide and district-specific results from the Washington Assessment of Student Learning are included in the Washington Report Card (

A015 - Technology Support & K-20 Network

This activity provides the technical assistance, training, scheduling, and technical support services essential for the effective and reliable functioning of the K-12 sector of the K-20 network. These services are provided on both a state and regional basis.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 5.0 4.0 4.5
001 - General Fund
State 562,000 562,000 1,124,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 2.5 2.5 2.5
GFS 281,000.0 281,000.0 562,000.0
Totals 281,000.0 281,000.0 562,000.0
Expected Results

Develop and implement an agency-wide data warehouse system by June 2004.

A016 - Academic Support for Struggling Students

The state Learning Assistance Program and federal Title I funding provide instructional help to children whose academic performance is below average. State Learning Assistance funds based on district enrollment and poverty factors to approximate student learning needs in the district. Title I funds are provided based on a complicated funding formula, which targets funding to schools and districts with higher percentages of students in poverty.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 6.6 7.0 6.8
001 - General Fund
State 628,000 628,000 1,256,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2.2 3.8 3.0
001 - General Fund
State 9,994,000 9,994,000 19,988,000
25C - Elem & Sec Sch Emerg Rel III Acct
Federal 16,856,000 16,856,000

Elementary and Secondary School Improvement

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
Federal 10,509,000 10,709,000 21,218,000

Learning Assistance Program

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 952,291,000 958,550,000 1,910,841,000
Federal 586,018,000 584,012,000 1,170,030,000
001 - General Fund Totals 1,538,309,000 1,542,562,000 3,080,871,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 4.6 5.6 5.1
GFS 490,264,000.0 496,876,000.0 987,140,000.0
Other 326,362,000.0 330,025,000.0 656,387,000.0
Totals 816,626,000.0 826,901,000.0 1,643,527,000.0
Expected Results

Each of Washington's diverse students demonstrates high levels of achievement in the four state learning goals and graduates from high school ready to implement a positive plan for his or her future. Statewide and district-specific results from the Washington Assessment of Student Learning are included in the Washington Report Card (

A017 - Local Effort Assistance

Statewide, most school districts receive a significant percent of their revenue from local voter-approved property tax levies. Since some school districts have lower property values than others, local school district levy rates vary. The lower the property values, the higher the levy rates tend to be. The state "equalizes" local funds by providing state funds in lieu of property tax collection for school districts with higher than average levy rates. School districts must pass a local maintenance and operations levy to be eligible for local effort assistance funds.

Levy Equalization

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 429,016,000 422,626,000 851,642,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 213,689,000.0 211,467,000.0 425,156,000.0
Totals 213,689,000.0 211,467,000.0 425,156,000.0
Expected Results

By 2007, develop and implement an improved K-12 education funding model, in partnership with the Legislature, school districts, and other educational partners.

A018 - National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

The certification process by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) requires an educator to demonstrate teaching practices that meet high and rigorous standards. Washington State supports this effort by providing bonuses for national board certified teachers. In addition, private foundations have contributed resources for assisting teachers with the fees and in preparing the materials required for the certification process.

Education Reform

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 143,387,000 155,047,000 298,434,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 68,070,000.0 77,623,000.0 145,693,000.0
Totals 68,070,000.0 77,623,000.0 145,693,000.0
Expected Results

By 2006-2007 a successful professional development system ensures a 50 percent increase in the retention rate of highly skilled certificated educators.

A019 - Other Education Grants and Programs

The state and federal governments provide a wide array of grants to school districts to meet special needs.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 174.1 163.5 168.8
001 - General Fund
State 3,044,000 4,438,000 7,482,000
Federal 125,385,000 129,363,000 254,748,000
Local 8,074,000 8,084,000 16,158,000
Medicaid Federal 408,000 408,000 816,000
001 - General Fund Totals 136,911,000 142,293,000 279,204,000
17F - WA Opportunity Pathways Account
State 16,144,000 354,000 16,498,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 3,350,000 6,850,000 10,200,000
759 - Miscellaneous Program Account
Non-Appropriated 750,000 3,346,000 4,096,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 3.6 5.2 4.4
001 - General Fund
State 103,538,000 95,584,000 199,122,000
Federal 2,092,000 2,092,000
CRRSA Federal Act 222,510,000 222,510,000
001 - General Fund Totals 328,140,000 95,584,000 423,724,000
25C - Elem & Sec Sch Emerg Rel III Acct
Federal 1,759,304,000 1,759,304,000
706 - Coronavirus St Fiscal Recovery Fund
Federal 1,354,000 1,354,000

Education Reform

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
Local 1,446,000 1,454,000 2,900,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 89.4 85.2 87.3
GFS 53,301,000.0 51,086,000.0 104,387,000.0
Other 1,080,834,000.0 87,940,000.0 1,168,774,000.0
Totals 1,134,135,000.0 139,026,000.0 1,273,161,000.0
Expected Results

By 2007, develop a statewide strategic children's health plan with schools, students, families, and state and community partners that addresses physical, social, and emotional barriers to learning and living healthfully.

A020 - Professional Development

OSPI administers professional development funds programs that are focused on developing professional educational policies and procedures to ensure that educators and educatipn support staff are best prepared to help students meet high standards. Federal support includes funding through Title II, to prepare, train, and recruit high quality teachers and principals. OSPI staff also provide training through conferences and regional institutes in collaboration with education associations such as the Association of Washington School Principals, and Washington Association of School Administrators. This activity also includes the operation of the Center for the Improvement of Student Learning and the beginning educator support programs.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 1.1 1.1 1.1
001 - General Fund
State 4,520,000 10,720,000 15,240,000
Federal 680,000 680,000 1,360,000
001 - General Fund Totals 5,200,000 11,400,000 16,600,000

Education Reform

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 9.0 10.8 9.9
001 - General Fund
State 25,574,000 26,418,000 51,992,000
Federal 80,712,000 80,551,000 161,263,000
001 - General Fund Totals 106,286,000 106,969,000 213,255,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 3.7 4.0 3.9
001 - General Fund
State 12,910,000 12,585,000 25,495,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 7.7 9.1 8.4
GFS 21,202,000.0 28,171,000.0 49,373,000.0
Other 41,030,000.0 40,956,000.0 81,986,000.0
Totals 62,232,000.0 69,127,000.0 131,359,000.0
Expected Results

By 2006-2007, a successful professional development system will be in place to ensure that all student instruction is delivered by highly skilled, certificated educators.

A021 - Professional Educator Standards Board

The Washington Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) is a separate state agency funded within OSPI's budget. The mission charged the PESB is to establish state policies and requirements for the preparation and certification of eduction professtionals, ensuring that they are competent in the professional knowledge and practice for which they are certified; have a foundation of skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to help students with diverse needs, abilities, cultural experience, and learning styles to meet or exceed the state learning goals, and are committed to research-based practice and career-long professional development.

Professional Educator Standards Board

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 24.8 27.5 26.2
001 - General Fund
State 39,781,000 43,696,000 83,477,000
18E - Educator Certification Processing A
Non-Appropriated 2,000 6,000 8,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 12.5 14.6 13.6
GFS 17,246,000.0 22,279,000.0 39,525,000.0
Other 1,000.0 3,000.0 4,000.0
Totals 17,247,000.0 22,282,000.0 39,529,000.0
Expected Results

Support the recruitment, development, and retention of a highly skilled and diverse corps of certificated educators.

A023 - Research and Data (Comprehensive Student Data System)

OSPI develops and maintains systems to ensure accurate and complete data are available for various education data users and stakeholders. This activity collects education data, conducts research and evaluations of state assessments and various education reform issues, including achievement gap, accountability, identifying low and high-performing schools, and dropouts. This activity also includes the data governance work group.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 25.6 24.6 25.1
001 - General Fund
State 5,568,000 5,376,000 10,944,000

Education Reform

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 720,000 720,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 110,000 110,000 220,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 12.6 12.6 12.6
GFS 2,839,000.0 3,463,000.0 6,302,000.0
Totals 2,839,000.0 3,463,000.0 6,302,000.0
Expected Results

By 2007, all schools will implement a data-driven plan for continuous improvement that is based on effective schools research.

A025 - School Food Services

School food services are funded by both state and federal funds to provide free or reduced-price school lunches and breakfasts to eligible children. These programs are designed to promote the health and well-being of children by providing nutritious meals to children in public and private schools.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 36.9 26.5 31.7
001 - General Fund
State 114,000 264,000 378,000
536 - Federal Food Service Revolving Acct
Non-Appropriated 3,012,000 3,251,000 6,263,000

School Food Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 89,168,000 182,214,000 271,382,000
Federal 743,408,000 685,069,000 1,428,477,000
CRRSA Federal Act 70,426,000 70,426,000
001 - General Fund Totals 903,002,000 867,283,000 1,770,285,000
536 - Federal Food Service Revolving Acct
Non-Appropriated 145,012,000 145,012,000 290,024,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 150,000 450,000 600,000
25C - Elem & Sec Sch Emerg Rel III Acct
Federal 286,000 286,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 13.0 13.0 13.0
GFS 55,966,000.0 102,939,000.0 158,905,000.0
Other 583,474,000.0 490,612,000.0 1,074,086,000.0
Totals 639,440,000.0 593,551,000.0 1,232,991,000.0
Expected Results

By 2007, develop a statewide strategic children's health plan with schools, students, families, and state and community partners that addresses physical, social, and emotional barriers to learning and living healthfully.

A026 - School Accountability

OSPI administers grant programs targeted at improving student achievement in low performing schools. These programs provide technical assistance to school staff and, in some cases, support direct services to struggling students. This area includes federal Title I School Improvement funds and state Focused Assistance funds - all designed to develop long-term capacity for improving student learning in a collaborative effort with participating districts, schools, and communities.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 1.3 1.3 1.3
001 - General Fund
State 1,900,000 1,900,000 3,800,000

Education Reform

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2.0 3.5 2.8
001 - General Fund
State 28,704,000 28,704,000 57,408,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 2.1 3.1 2.6
GFS 15,302,000.0 15,302,000.0 30,604,000.0
Totals 15,302,000.0 15,302,000.0 30,604,000.0
Expected Results

Ensure that all schools implement a plan for continuous improvement that involves a whole school-community collaborative effort and results in increased student achievement. Statewide and district-specific results from the Washington Assessment of Student Learning are included in the Washington Report Card (

A027 - Special Education

State and federal law requires Washington public schools to provide appropriate educational programs to over students with disabilities. School districts and educational service districts use state and federal funds to provide supplemental services through the special education program. In addition, this activity provides for statewide technical assistance for school districts receiving federal grants related to special educational programs.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 5.6 5.6 5.6
001 - General Fund
State 1,300,000 2,025,000 3,325,000

Special Education

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2.0 1.0
001 - General Fund
State 3,530,985,000 3,715,578,000 7,246,563,000
Federal 586,184,000 574,450,000 1,160,634,000
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 33,167,000 33,167,000
001 - General Fund Totals 4,150,336,000 4,290,028,000 8,440,364,000
08A - Education Legacy Trust Account
State 54,694,000 54,694,000 109,388,000

Education Reform

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 3,500,000 3,500,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 2,210,000 2,210,000
25C - Elem & Sec Sch Emerg Rel III Acct
Federal 2,210,000 2,210,000

SPI-Charter Schools Apportionment

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
17F - WA Opportunity Pathways Account
State 1,422,000 1,420,000 2,842,000

Compensation Adjustments

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 10,310,000 25,438,000 35,748,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 2.6 3.6 3.1
GFS 1,817,249,000.0 1,945,284,000.0 3,762,533,000.0
Other 376,142,000.0 345,450,000.0 721,592,000.0
Totals 2,193,391,000.0 2,290,734,000.0 4,484,125,000.0
Expected Results

Each of Washington's diverse students demonstrates high levels of achievement in the four state learning goals and graduates from high school ready to implement a positive plan for his or her future. Statewide and district-specific results from the Washington Assessment of Student Learning are included in the Washington Report Card (

A028 - State Board of Education

The State Board of Education is a separate state agency funded within OSPI's budget. Membership of the State Board is established in statute. The State Board of Education is charged with advocacy and strategic oversight of the K-12 public education system, implementing a statewide accountability system, and providing leadership in the creation of a system that personalizes education for each student and respects diverse cultures, abilities, and learning styles, and other policies as required by law. It also establishes minimum high school graduation requirements, approves private schools, and ensures local district compliance with the basic education act program requirements.

State Board of Education

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 10.9 11.4 11.2
001 - General Fund
State 4,310,000 13,480,000 17,790,000
17F - WA Opportunity Pathways Account
State 350,000 355,000 705,000
25C - Elem & Sec Sch Emerg Rel III Acct
Federal 3,558,000 3,558,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 0.50 0.30
GFS 2,155,000.0 6,785,000.0 8,940,000.0
Other 1,954,000.0 177,000.0 2,131,000.0
Totals 4,109,000.0 6,962,000.0 11,071,000.0
Expected Results

Ensure that student's educational needs are met by identifying new funding sources for K-12 education.

A031 - Student Health and Safety

OSPI provides statewide guidance on health and safety issues to Washington state schools and students. Programs provide various levels of service, including ensuring that students have access to health care professionals and paraprofessionals at schools and the promotion of healthy decision making during early adulthood. In addition, statewide technical assistance for federal and state programs are included in this activity on both safety and health issues affecting schools and school districts. Programs include the school safety center, nursing corps, and the teen aware program.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 14.6 14.4 14.5
001 - General Fund
State 5,450,000 6,062,000 11,512,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 5,038,000 5,652,000 10,690,000
27W - Opioid Abatement Settlement Account
State 900,000 900,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 9.2 9.2 9.2
GFS 5,394,000.0 6,638,000.0 12,032,000.0
Other 900,000.0 900,000.0
Totals 5,394,000.0 7,538,000.0 12,932,000.0
Expected Results

By 2007, develop a statewide strategic children's health plan with schools, students, families, and state and community partners that addresses physical, social, and emotional barriers to learning and living healthfully.

A033 - Student Transportation

Each school district electing to provide student transportation to and from school is entitled to state pupil transportation funding. The formula uses basic and special student loads, school district land area, average distance to school, roadway miles, and the number of locations served to allocate funding to districts. The state also pays for the replacement of district school buses through a depreciation system. Schools transport over 480,000 students 90 million miles annually.

Pupil Transportation

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 1,567,541,000 1,572,209,000 3,139,750,000

Compensation Adjustments

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 1,934,000 4,505,000 6,439,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 805,726,000.0 814,382,000.0 1,620,108,000.0
Totals 805,726,000.0 814,382,000.0 1,620,108,000.0
Expected Results

All schools have developed and implemented a comprehensive safe schools plan by 2007.

A035 - Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical education programs provide middle and high school students an opportunity to explore career options and prepare for careers and post-secondary education utilizing relevant and often hands-on learning strategies. Students receive educational services at high schools, regional skills centers, and through work-based learning programs. State funding also leverages federal vocational funds to provide grant support to vocational student leadership programs such as DECA, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and Future Farmers of America (FFA).

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 6.1 6.9 6.5
001 - General Fund
State 1,836,000 1,484,000 3,320,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 6,122,000 6,136,000 12,258,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 0.60 0.20 0.40
001 - General Fund
State 19,492,000 16,896,000 36,388,000
24J - Workforce Education Investment Acc
State 200,000 200,000 400,000
25C - Elem & Sec Sch Emerg Rel III Acct
Federal 4,766,000 4,766,000

General Apportionment

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 375,000 375,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 4.1 4.2 4.2
GFS 10,664,000.0 11,767,000.0 22,431,000.0
Other 5,769,000.0 3,393,000.0 9,162,000.0
Totals 16,433,000.0 15,160,000.0 31,593,000.0
Expected Results

To be developed.

A037 - Coordination and Reform - Curriculum and Instruction

The OSPI works to support and implement educational reform in all Washington schools through improvement and accountability initiatives that lead to improved teaching practices, aligned curriculum implemented with fidelity, and meaningful formative assessments. This activity includes all standards development and State Reform Plan activities. OSPI administers programs that provide additional curriculum and instruction resources to districts to enhance the learning experience of students statewide in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math - such as LASER, Pacific Science Center, Cispus, and “lighthouse” school based STEM programs.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 0.50 0.50 0.50
001 - General Fund
State 1,106,000 1,536,000 2,642,000
480 - Financial Education Pub-Pri Partner
Non-Appropriated 100,000 100,000 200,000

Education Reform

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2.8 4.4 3.6
001 - General Fund
State 14,836,000 14,836,000 29,672,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2.2 2.8 2.5
001 - General Fund
State 9,246,000 12,921,000 22,167,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 3.0 4.1 3.6
GFS 12,594,000.0 16,699,000.0 29,293,000.0
Other 50,000.0 50,000.0 100,000.0
Totals 12,644,000.0 16,749,000.0 29,393,000.0
Expected Results

To be developed.

A038 - Basic Education

The Washington State Constitution requires the state to define and fully fund basic public education for all school-aged children. General apportionment funding, the state's largest basic education program, is provided to the state's 295 school districts through a complex formula based on the number of enrolled students (approximately 1 million), class sizes, staffing needs, average salaries, and other factors such as adjustments for very small districts. The funds are allocated to, and spent by, the districts and their elected school boards.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 78,000 78,000

General Apportionment

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 19,549,715,000 19,841,148,000 39,390,863,000
08A - Education Legacy Trust Account
State 1,739,730,000 1,572,730,000 3,312,460,000

Institutional Education

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 1,402,000 1,402,000 2,804,000

SPI-Charter Schools Apportionment

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
17F - WA Opportunity Pathways Account
State 160,083,000 191,945,000 352,028,000

Compensation Adjustments

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 770,944,000 1,729,986,000 2,500,930,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 10,169,249,000.0 10,684,840,000.0 20,854,089,000.0
Other 944,302,000.0 998,156,000.0 1,942,458,000.0
Totals 11,113,551,000.0 11,682,996,000.0 22,796,547,000.0
Expected Results

To be developed.

A039 - Highly Capable Program

The state provides a program for highly capable students under its definition of basic education

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 152,000 30,000 182,000

Education of Highly Capable Students

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 66,404,000 65,985,000 132,389,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 33,247,000.0 33,010,000.0 66,257,000.0
Totals 33,247,000.0 33,010,000.0 66,257,000.0
Expected Results

To be developed.

A040 - Early Education

OSPI administers programs and activities that facilitate younger students being ready to learn. Included in this activity are the even start grant, all early learning activities performed in collaboration with the Department of Early Learning, transportation for early learning programs and voluntary full-day Kindergarten programs at school districts..

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 5.6 5.3 5.5
001 - General Fund
State 5,180,000 5,180,000 10,360,000

Transition to Kindergarten

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 12,042,000 136,967,000 149,009,000
CRRSA Federal Act 83,696,000 83,696,000
001 - General Fund Totals 95,738,000 136,967,000 232,705,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 720,000 720,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 2.3 2.3 2.3
GFS 9,820,000.0 72,549,000.0 82,369,000.0
Other 41,848,000.0 41,848,000.0
Totals 51,668,000.0 72,549,000.0 124,217,000.0
Expected Results

To be developed.

A041 - Dropout and Achievement Gap Reduction

Dropout prevention programs provide activities that engage students in relevant curriculum or re-engage them in school after they have stopped attending. Achievement Gap Programs are targeted at struggling schools and students designed specifically to eliminate the achievement gap. These programs include strategies developed by OSPI in collaboration with key stakeholder groups including, but not limited to, the Building Bridges Workgroup and the Achievement Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 20.2 19.1 19.7
001 - General Fund
State 2,908,000 3,158,000 6,066,000
315 - Dedicated Cannabis Account
State 1,186,000 1,236,000 2,422,000

Grants and Pass-Through Funding

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 0.10 0.10 0.10
001 - General Fund
State 5,648,000 5,648,000 11,296,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 12.8 12.8 12.8
GFS 4,278,000.0 4,528,000.0 8,806,000.0
Other 593,000.0 618,000.0 1,211,000.0
Totals 4,871,000.0 5,146,000.0 10,017,000.0
Expected Results

To be developed.

A042 - Charter School Commission

The Commission is an independent state agency residing in OSPI for administrative purposes that authorizes high-quality public charter schools throughout Washington, with an emphasis on authorizing schools that offer opportunities for at-risk students. It is one of two types of entities permitted to authorize public charter schools in Washington. The Commission ensures that the highest standards of accountability and oversight apply to these charter schools as provided in RCW 28A.710.070. In furtherance of its responsibilities, the Commission provides leadership and oversight that are consistent with national principles and standards as well as the provisions of the state’s charter school law.

SPI-Charter School Commission

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 21.0 21.0 21.0
17F - WA Opportunity Pathways Account
State 339,000 324,000 663,000
19L - Charter Schools Oversight Account
State 4,165,000 4,979,000 9,144,000

SPI-Charter Schools Apportionment

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
17F - WA Opportunity Pathways Account
State 4,253,000 4,252,000 8,505,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 11.0 11.0 11.0
Other 6,664,000.0 7,053,000.0 13,717,000.0
Totals 6,664,000.0 7,053,000.0 13,717,000.0
Expected Results

Ensure that charter schools in the state of Washington are of the highest quality and a viable option for meeting student's educational needs.