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Healthy and Safe Communities

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Confine and rehabilitate offenders

Strategy: Confine and rehabilitate offenders

Agency: 310 - Department of Corrections

A001 - Confine Convicted Adults in State Prisons

The Department of Corrections (DOC) is responsible for the incarceration of felony offenders. This population includes offenders sentenced to confinement for violent, sex, person, drug, and offenders receiving alternative sentences. The majority of resources are allocated for custody activities such as the transportation of offenders, operation and security of offender housing units, perimeter and access control, and security threat group monitoring and investigation. Prison-based production of goods as enterprise and job skills is reflected in this activity. Other items purchased through this activity include food service, laundry, clothing, and janitorial services; the administration of offender records; and routine maintenance and repairs to state-owned facilities and infrastructure.

Administration and Support Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 879.8 877.8 878.8
001 - General Fund
State 112,485,000 112,297,000 224,782,000

Correctional Operations

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 10,248.4 10,297.5 10,273.0
001 - General Fund
State 1,186,458,000 1,475,140,000 2,661,598,000
Federal 4,544,000 4,108,000 8,652,000
Local 334,000 334,000 668,000
001 - General Fund Totals 1,191,336,000 1,479,582,000 2,670,918,000
11K - WA Auto Theft Prevention Auth Acct
State 4,836,000 4,838,000 9,674,000
27W - Opioid Abatement Settlement Account
State 217,000 217,000
706 - Coronavirus St Fiscal Recovery Fund
Federal 262,300,000 262,300,000

Community Supervision

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 72.8 76.2 74.5
001 - General Fund
State 9,906,000 10,229,000 20,135,000
Local 5,000 5,000 10,000
001 - General Fund Totals 9,911,000 10,234,000 20,145,000

Correctional Industries

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 70.7 70.7 70.7
001 - General Fund
State 16,709,000 16,671,000 33,380,000
Federal 300,000 300,000 600,000
Local 1,317,000 1,317,000 2,634,000
001 - General Fund Totals 18,326,000 18,288,000 36,614,000
401 - Correctional Industries Account
Non-Appropriated 2,000,000 2,000,000 4,000,000

Health Care Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
Local 1,000 1,000 2,000
27W - Opioid Abatement Settlement Account
State 4,458,000 4,458,000

Interagency Payments

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
27W - Opioid Abatement Settlement Account
State 25,000 25,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 5,607.0 5,675.9 5,641.5
GFS 541,072,000.0 820,899,000.0 1,361,971,000.0
Other 269,780,000.0 11,963,000.0 281,743,000.0
Totals 810,852,000.0 832,862,000.0 1,643,714,000.0

002922 - Recidivism, First Year

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Improve Lives. The objectives reads, "Decrease the first-year rate of return to institutions from 12% to 10% by 2023".
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 7% 10%
2019-21 A3 9% 10%
2021-23 A2 10% 10%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%
2023-25 A2 0% 0%
2023-25 A3 0% 0%

002923 - Recidivism, Third Year

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Improve Lives. The objectives reads, "Decrease the first-year rate of return to institutions from 12% to 10% by 2023". Although this outcome measure relates to a third-year rate, DOC hopes to have a positive impact on overall recidivism by focusing resources in the first 12 months after release.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 22% 25%
2019-21 A3 0% 25%
2021-23 A2 0% 0%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%
2023-25 A2 0% 0%
2023-25 A3 0% 0%

002926 - Homeless Releases for Individuals with Supervision Requirements

The fact is that in Washington State 96% of incarcerated individuals will releases. How we help these releasing citizens reenter society is critical to their success.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q4 0% 0%
2019-21 Q8 11% 0%
2021-23 Q1 10% 0%
2021-23 Q2 10% 0%
2021-23 Q3 12% 0%
2021-23 Q4 12% 0%
2021-23 Q5 8% 0%
2021-23 Q6 10% 0%
2021-23 Q7 8% 0%
2021-23 Q8 7% 0%
2023-25 Q1 8% 0%
2023-25 Q2 8% 0%
2023-25 Q3 7% 0%
2023-25 Q4 7% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002927 - Homeless Releases for Individuals without Supervision Requirements

The fact is that in Washington State 96% of incarcerated individuals will releases. How we help these releasing citizens reenter society is critical to their success. Currently, DOC cannot provide any housing vouchers for those individuals releasing without community supervision requirement.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 13%
2019-21 A3 0% 13%

002928 - Homeless Releases for All Individuals Releasing (Overall Average)

The fact is that in Washington State 96% of incarcerated individuals will releases. How we help these releasing citizens reenter society is critical to their success. Currently, DOC cannot provide any housing vouchers for those individuals releasing without community supervision requirement.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 5%
2019-21 A3 0% 5%

002930 - Rate of Violence in Correctional Facilities

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Keep People Safe. The objectives reads, "Decrease the rate of violence from 0.93 to 0.90 per 100 incarcerated individuals at prison and work release facilities by 2022." This is an indicator of the level of violence, safety, and behavior within Washington Correctional facilities.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 M1 0% 1%
2019-21 M10 0% 1%
2019-21 M11 0% 1%
2019-21 M12 0% 1%
2019-21 M13 0% 1%
2019-21 M14 0% 1%
2019-21 M15 0% 1%
2019-21 M16 0% 1%
2019-21 M17 0% 1%
2019-21 M18 0% 1%
2019-21 M19 0% 1%
2019-21 M2 0% 1%
2019-21 M20 0% 1%
2019-21 M21 0% 1%
2019-21 M22 0% 1%
2019-21 M23 0% 1%
2019-21 M24 0% 1%
2019-21 M3 0% 1%
2019-21 M4 0% 1%
2019-21 M5 0% 1%
2019-21 M6 0% 1%
2019-21 M7 0% 1%
2019-21 M8 0% 1%
2019-21 M9 0% 1%

002932 - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect Index

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Engage and Respect Employees. The objectives reads, "Increase the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect index from 61% to 65% by 2023."
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 65%
2019-21 A3 0% 65%

002933 - Custody Overtime

Custody overtime expenditures are greater than the base budget. This measure will track the custody overtime costs and/or hours.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0 0
2019-21 A3 0 0
2021-23 A2 0 0
2021-23 A3 31 0
2023-25 A2 26 0
2023-25 A3 0 0

002934 - Percent of Prison and Work Release Confinement to Capacity

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Achieve Organizational Excellence. The objectives reads, "Provide full and partial confinement options within 100% of capacity by 2023." Currently, we are experiencing over capacity in Washington’s prison system. Over capacity makes it more difficult to operate a safe, humane, and effective corrections system. Forecasts predict that the demands of prison beds will continue to rise in the future. In the short-term, we need to maximize the use of partial confinement options and find ways to reduce the use of prison beds for community violations confinement. Long-term, we will continue to advocate for solutions to address both current needs as well as future forecasts.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 M1 0% 100%
2019-21 M10 0% 100%
2019-21 M11 0% 100%
2019-21 M12 0% 100%
2019-21 M13 0% 100%
2019-21 M14 0% 100%
2019-21 M15 0% 100%
2019-21 M16 0% 100%
2019-21 M17 0% 100%
2019-21 M18 0% 100%
2019-21 M19 0% 100%
2019-21 M2 0% 100%
2019-21 M20 0% 100%
2019-21 M21 0% 100%
2019-21 M22 0% 100%
2019-21 M23 0% 100%
2019-21 M24 0% 100%
2019-21 M3 0% 100%
2019-21 M4 0% 100%
2019-21 M5 0% 100%
2019-21 M6 0% 100%
2019-21 M7 0% 100%
2019-21 M8 0% 100%
2019-21 M9 0% 100%

002498 - Average days to perform initial offender assessment and placement in prison

Average days to perform initial offender assessment and placement in prison
Biennium Period Actual Target
2021-23 M1 0 0
2021-23 M10 0 0
2021-23 M11 0 0
2021-23 M12 0 0
2021-23 M13 0 0
2021-23 M14 0 0
2021-23 M15 0 0
2021-23 M16 0 0
2021-23 M17 0 0
2021-23 M18 0 0
2021-23 M19 0 0
2021-23 M2 0 0
2021-23 M20 0 0
2021-23 M21 80 0
2021-23 M22 0 0
2021-23 M23 0 0
2021-23 M24 54 0
2021-23 M3 0 0
2021-23 M4 0 0
2021-23 M5 0 0
2021-23 M6 0 0
2021-23 M7 0 0
2021-23 M8 0 0
2021-23 M9 0 0
2023-25 M1 0 0
2023-25 M10 0 0
2023-25 M11 0 0
2023-25 M12 0 0
2023-25 M13 0 0
2023-25 M14 0 0
2023-25 M15 0 0
2023-25 M16 0 0
2023-25 M17 0 0
2023-25 M18 0 0
2023-25 M19 0 0
2023-25 M2 0 0
2023-25 M20 0 0
2023-25 M21 0 0
2023-25 M22 0 0
2023-25 M23 0 0
2023-25 M24 0 0
2023-25 M3 45 0
2023-25 M4 0 0
2023-25 M5 0 0
2023-25 M6 44 0
2023-25 M7 0 0
2023-25 M8 0 0
2023-25 M9 40 0

A004 - Health Care Services for Adults in State Prisons

The Department of Corrections (DOC) is responsible for medical and dental services for incarcerated offenders. Resources dedicated to this activity allow the DOC to hire or contract for health services staff and to purchase the goods and services necessary to provide basic health services to offenders (such as on-site medical and dental) and off-site inpatient and outpatient services. These services consist of primary care scheduled visits, sick calls, outpatient medical clinic care, x-ray, lab, radiology, dental services, inpatient infirmary care, and risk management evaluations and assessments for the DOC and the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board.

Administration and Support Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 123.5 123.2 123.4
001 - General Fund
State 15,787,000 15,761,000 31,548,000

Correctional Operations

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 104.6 105.0 104.8
001 - General Fund
State 12,107,000 15,052,000 27,159,000

Health Care Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 2,141.9 2,212.8 2,177.4
001 - General Fund
State 492,209,000 507,980,000 1,000,189,000
Federal 4,902,000 4,902,000 9,804,000
001 - General Fund Totals 497,111,000 512,882,000 1,009,993,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 1,190.5 1,246.7 1,218.6
GFS 264,125,000.0 278,168,000.0 542,293,000.0
Other 3,360,000.0 3,360,000.0 6,720,000.0
Totals 267,485,000.0 281,528,000.0 549,013,000.0

002924 - Continuity of Care Plans

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Improve Lives. The objectives reads, "Increase the rate of continuity of care plans by 40% by 2023 for incarcerated individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder, mental health, and/or chronic care condition".
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 0% 40%
2019-21 Q2 0% 40%
2019-21 Q3 0% 40%
2019-21 Q4 0% 40%
2019-21 Q5 0% 40%
2019-21 Q6 0% 40%
2019-21 Q7 0% 40%
2019-21 Q8 0% 40%
2021-23 Q1 0% 0%
2021-23 Q2 0% 0%
2021-23 Q3 0% 0%
2021-23 Q4 0% 0%
2021-23 Q5 0% 0%
2021-23 Q6 0% 0%
2021-23 Q7 0% 0%
2021-23 Q8 0% 0%
2023-25 Q1 0% 0%
2023-25 Q2 0% 0%
2023-25 Q3 0% 0%
2023-25 Q4 0% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002929 - Medicaid Pre-enrollment for Individuals Releasing

Percent of releasing offenders who have a Medicaid application submitted.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 0% 85%
2019-21 Q2 0% 85%
2019-21 Q3 0% 85%
2019-21 Q4 0% 85%
2019-21 Q5 0% 85%
2019-21 Q6 0% 85%
2019-21 Q7 0% 85%
2019-21 Q8 0% 85%
2021-23 Q1 0% 0%
2021-23 Q2 72% 0%
2021-23 Q3 77% 0%
2021-23 Q4 82% 0%
2021-23 Q5 80% 0%
2021-23 Q6 82% 0%
2021-23 Q7 87% 0%
2021-23 Q8 89% 0%
2023-25 Q1 89% 0%
2023-25 Q2 90% 0%
2023-25 Q3 89% 0%
2023-25 Q4 91% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002932 - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect Index

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Engage and Respect Employees. The objectives reads, "Increase the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect index from 61% to 65% by 2023."
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 65%
2019-21 A3 0% 65%

001750 - Average healthcare cost per offender

Average healthcare cost per offender
Biennium Period Actual Target
2021-23 A2 $0.00 $0.00
2021-23 A3 $46.00 $0.00
2023-25 A2 $0.00 $0.00
2023-25 A3 $0.00 $0.00

A007 - Supervise Adult Offenders in the Community

The Department of Corrections (DOC) is responsible for supervising certain felony and gross misdemeanor offenders upon release or when completing a sentence in the community. These adult offenders may present high to low safety risks to communities as offenders qualify or earn release from jail and prison confinement. Resources are allocated for supervision activities/oversight that includes, but is not limited to, monitoring conditions of supervision, developing offender accountability plans, case planning, intervention activities, and violation hearings. The basic means of reporting is face-to-face contact and by kiosk, depending upon the offender's history of violence or the nature of current violation behavior. The DOC imposes swift and certain sanctions to reinforce expectations during the transition as offenders earn less restriction. The DOC collaborates with victims and stakeholders over accountability.

Administration and Support Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 169.8 169.3 169.6
001 - General Fund
State 21,708,000 21,672,000 43,380,000

Correctional Operations

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 104.6 105.0 104.8
001 - General Fund
State 12,107,000 15,052,000 27,159,000

Community Supervision

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 3,525.5 3,696.9 3,611.2
001 - General Fund
State 480,452,000 496,119,000 976,571,000
Federal 4,988,000 3,296,000 8,284,000
001 - General Fund Totals 485,440,000 499,415,000 984,855,000
141 - Federal Seizure Account
Non-Appropriated 372,000 372,000 744,000
226 - State Seizure Account
Non-Appropriated 64,000 64,000 128,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 1,895.1 1,985.5 1,940.3
GFS 260,889,000.0 270,356,000.0 531,245,000.0
Other 2,712,000.0 1,866,000.0 4,578,000.0
Totals 263,601,000.0 272,222,000.0 535,823,000.0

002924 - Continuity of Care Plans

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Improve Lives. The objectives reads, "Increase the rate of continuity of care plans by 40% by 2023 for incarcerated individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder, mental health, and/or chronic care condition".
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 0% 40%
2019-21 Q2 0% 40%
2019-21 Q3 0% 40%
2019-21 Q4 0% 40%
2019-21 Q5 0% 40%
2019-21 Q6 0% 40%
2019-21 Q7 0% 40%
2019-21 Q8 0% 40%
2021-23 Q1 0% 0%
2021-23 Q2 0% 0%
2021-23 Q3 0% 0%
2021-23 Q4 0% 0%
2021-23 Q5 0% 0%
2021-23 Q6 0% 0%
2021-23 Q7 0% 0%
2021-23 Q8 0% 0%
2023-25 Q1 0% 0%
2023-25 Q2 0% 0%
2023-25 Q3 0% 0%
2023-25 Q4 0% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002926 - Homeless Releases for Individuals with Supervision Requirements

The fact is that in Washington State 96% of incarcerated individuals will releases. How we help these releasing citizens reenter society is critical to their success.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q4 0% 0%
2019-21 Q8 11% 0%
2021-23 Q1 10% 0%
2021-23 Q2 10% 0%
2021-23 Q3 12% 0%
2021-23 Q4 12% 0%
2021-23 Q5 8% 0%
2021-23 Q6 10% 0%
2021-23 Q7 8% 0%
2021-23 Q8 7% 0%
2023-25 Q1 8% 0%
2023-25 Q2 8% 0%
2023-25 Q3 7% 0%
2023-25 Q4 7% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002928 - Homeless Releases for All Individuals Releasing (Overall Average)

The fact is that in Washington State 96% of incarcerated individuals will releases. How we help these releasing citizens reenter society is critical to their success. Currently, DOC cannot provide any housing vouchers for those individuals releasing without community supervision requirement.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 5%
2019-21 A3 0% 5%

002931 - Rate of Supervised Individuals Reporting

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Keep People Safe. The objectives reads, "Increase the rate of supervised individuals reporting from 78% to 80% by 2023."
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 M1 0% 80%
2019-21 M10 0% 80%
2019-21 M11 0% 80%
2019-21 M12 0% 80%
2019-21 M13 0% 80%
2019-21 M14 0% 80%
2019-21 M15 0% 80%
2019-21 M16 0% 80%
2019-21 M17 0% 80%
2019-21 M18 0% 80%
2019-21 M19 0% 80%
2019-21 M2 0% 80%
2019-21 M20 0% 80%
2019-21 M21 0% 80%
2019-21 M22 0% 80%
2019-21 M23 0% 80%
2019-21 M24 0% 80%
2019-21 M3 0% 80%
2019-21 M4 0% 80%
2019-21 M5 0% 80%
2019-21 M6 0% 80%
2019-21 M7 0% 80%
2019-21 M8 0% 80%
2019-21 M9 0% 80%

002932 - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect Index

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Engage and Respect Employees. The objectives reads, "Increase the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect index from 61% to 65% by 2023."
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 65%
2019-21 A3 0% 65%

002934 - Percent of Prison and Work Release Confinement to Capacity

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Achieve Organizational Excellence. The objectives reads, "Provide full and partial confinement options within 100% of capacity by 2023." Currently, we are experiencing over capacity in Washington’s prison system. Over capacity makes it more difficult to operate a safe, humane, and effective corrections system. Forecasts predict that the demands of prison beds will continue to rise in the future. In the short-term, we need to maximize the use of partial confinement options and find ways to reduce the use of prison beds for community violations confinement. Long-term, we will continue to advocate for solutions to address both current needs as well as future forecasts.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 M1 0% 100%
2019-21 M10 0% 100%
2019-21 M11 0% 100%
2019-21 M12 0% 100%
2019-21 M13 0% 100%
2019-21 M14 0% 100%
2019-21 M15 0% 100%
2019-21 M16 0% 100%
2019-21 M17 0% 100%
2019-21 M18 0% 100%
2019-21 M19 0% 100%
2019-21 M2 0% 100%
2019-21 M20 0% 100%
2019-21 M21 0% 100%
2019-21 M22 0% 100%
2019-21 M23 0% 100%
2019-21 M24 0% 100%
2019-21 M3 0% 100%
2019-21 M4 0% 100%
2019-21 M5 0% 100%
2019-21 M6 0% 100%
2019-21 M7 0% 100%
2019-21 M8 0% 100%
2019-21 M9 0% 100%

A002 - Corrections - Core Administration

The Department of Corrections (DOC) must provide basic infrastructure services in support of the confinement, supervision, and rehabilitation of offenders. This activity includes such fundamental services as accounting, budgeting, contracting, purchasing, human resources, information technology, public disclosure, data and research, communications and agency administration

Administration and Support Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 308.6 308.0 308.3
001 - General Fund
State 39,469,000 39,403,000 78,872,000
Federal 400,000 400,000 800,000
Local 84,000 84,000 168,000
001 - General Fund Totals 39,953,000 39,887,000 79,840,000

Community Supervision

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 36.3 38.1 37.2
001 - General Fund
State 4,954,000 5,114,000 10,068,000

Correctional Industries

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 22.3 22.3 22.3
001 - General Fund
State 5,277,000 5,265,000 10,542,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 184.5 185.7 185.1
GFS 24,961,000.0 25,062,000.0 50,023,000.0
Other 284,000.0 284,000.0 568,000.0
Totals 25,245,000.0 25,346,000.0 50,591,000.0

002506 - Department of Corrections staff turnover rate

Department of Corrections staff turnover rate
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 7% 0%
2019-21 A3 6% 0%
2021-23 A2 13% 0%
2021-23 A3 10% 0%
2023-25 A2 8% 0%
2023-25 A3 0% 0%

002932 - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect Index

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Engage and Respect Employees. The objectives reads, "Increase the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect index from 61% to 65% by 2023."
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 65%
2019-21 A3 0% 65%

A003 - Indeterminate Sentencing Review

The Indeterminate Sentence Review Board (ISRB) makes a judicial determination of fitness for release and rehabilitation for offenders who committed their crimes before July 1984 per RCW 9.95.100. Certain sex offenders are under ISRB jurisdiction for crimes committed after August 2001. The statutory basis for consideration of their release is RCW 9.95.420.

Administration and Support Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 30.8 30.8 30.8
001 - General Fund
State 3,947,000 3,940,000 7,887,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 15.5 15.6 15.6
GFS 2,019,000.0 2,028,000.0 4,047,000.0
Totals 2,019,000.0 2,028,000.0 4,047,000.0

002932 - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect Index

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Engage and Respect Employees. The objectives reads, "Increase the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect index from 61% to 65% by 2023."
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 65%
2019-21 A3 0% 65%

002935 - Number of Incarcerated Individuals under ISRB Jurisdiction

This measure shows the number of incarcerated individuals under ISRB Jurisdiction.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q4 0 0
2019-21 Q8 0 0
2021-23 Q1 2,334 0
2021-23 Q2 2,345 0
2021-23 Q3 2,347 0
2021-23 Q4 2,320 0
2021-23 Q5 2,354 0
2021-23 Q6 2,323 0
2021-23 Q7 2,348 0
2021-23 Q8 2,350 0
2023-25 Q1 2,349 0
2023-25 Q2 2,342 0
2023-25 Q3 2,352 0
2023-25 Q4 0 0
2023-25 Q5 0 0
2023-25 Q6 0 0
2023-25 Q7 0 0
2023-25 Q8 0 0

002936 - Number of Supervised Individuals under ISRB Jurisdiction

This measure shows the number of supervised individuals under ISRB Jurisdiction.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q4 0 0
2019-21 Q8 0 0
2021-23 Q1 1,487 0
2021-23 Q2 1,493 0
2021-23 Q3 1,495 0
2021-23 Q4 1,526 0
2021-23 Q5 1,550 0
2021-23 Q6 1,587 0
2021-23 Q7 1,611 0
2021-23 Q8 1,655 0
2023-25 Q1 1,692 0
2023-25 Q2 1,727 0
2023-25 Q3 1,755 0
2023-25 Q4 0 0
2023-25 Q5 0 0
2023-25 Q6 0 0
2023-25 Q7 0 0
2023-25 Q8 0 0

A006 - Payments to Other Agencies

The Department of Corrections (DOC) must provide basic infrastructure from services provided by other state agencies. This activity consolidates payments the DOC makes to other support services agencies. Funding supports department-wide services to include, but not limited to, self-insurance premiums, risk management, state human resources, information services, and other general administrative services. Service agencies include the Office of Financial Management, Consolidated Technology Services, Washington State Patrol, Secretary of State, Department of Enterprise Services, State Auditor’s Office, the Office of the Attorney General, and the Office of Administrative Hearings.

Interagency Payments

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 136,551,000 144,108,000 280,659,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 67,877,000.0 79,185,000.0 147,062,000.0
Totals 67,877,000.0 79,185,000.0 147,062,000.0
Expected Results

.Accurate, timely, efficient payments to other agencies.

A008 - Programs to Reduce Recidivism

The Department of Corrections (DOC) provides programming to offenders based on an individual's identified risks and needs. Programming resources are allocated for evidenced based interventions designed specifically to address underlying criminogenic behaviors, thoughts and actions to reduce recidivism and increase pro-social behavior, thereby changing adult offenders’ propensity to reoffend. Interventions include adult education, sex offender and chemical dependency treatment, and cognitive behavioral interventions. To ensure that offenders receive the correct program dosage and sequence, validated assessment tools and quality assurance measures for program fidelity are utilized. Offender change programs and activities cut across the continuum from entry into prison through release to the community, and community supervision.

Administration and Support Services

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 30.8 30.8 30.8
001 - General Fund
State 3,947,000 3,940,000 7,887,000

Offender Change

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 786.9 799.2 793.1
001 - General Fund
State 169,248,000 174,544,000 343,792,000
Federal 1,436,000 1,436,000 2,872,000
001 - General Fund Totals 170,684,000 175,980,000 346,664,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 410.7 427.0 418.9
GFS 87,945,000.0 92,234,000.0 180,179,000.0
Other 718,000.0 718,000.0 1,436,000.0
Totals 88,663,000.0 92,952,000.0 181,615,000.0

002922 - Recidivism, First Year

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Improve Lives. The objectives reads, "Decrease the first-year rate of return to institutions from 12% to 10% by 2023".
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 7% 10%
2019-21 A3 9% 10%
2021-23 A2 10% 10%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%
2023-25 A2 0% 0%
2023-25 A3 0% 0%

002923 - Recidivism, Third Year

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Improve Lives. The objectives reads, "Decrease the first-year rate of return to institutions from 12% to 10% by 2023". Although this outcome measure relates to a third-year rate, DOC hopes to have a positive impact on overall recidivism by focusing resources in the first 12 months after release.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 22% 25%
2019-21 A3 0% 25%
2021-23 A2 0% 0%
2021-23 A3 0% 0%
2023-25 A2 0% 0%
2023-25 A3 0% 0%

002924 - Continuity of Care Plans

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Improve Lives. The objectives reads, "Increase the rate of continuity of care plans by 40% by 2023 for incarcerated individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder, mental health, and/or chronic care condition".
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 0% 40%
2019-21 Q2 0% 40%
2019-21 Q3 0% 40%
2019-21 Q4 0% 40%
2019-21 Q5 0% 40%
2019-21 Q6 0% 40%
2019-21 Q7 0% 40%
2019-21 Q8 0% 40%
2021-23 Q1 0% 0%
2021-23 Q2 0% 0%
2021-23 Q3 0% 0%
2021-23 Q4 0% 0%
2021-23 Q5 0% 0%
2021-23 Q6 0% 0%
2021-23 Q7 0% 0%
2021-23 Q8 0% 0%
2023-25 Q1 0% 0%
2023-25 Q2 0% 0%
2023-25 Q3 0% 0%
2023-25 Q4 0% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002925 - Post-release Employment

It is no secret that individuals who can sustain financial independence are less likely to re-offend. Having a job promotes pro-social behaviors and interactions and provides money for food and stable housing. We invest in their future through education, vocational training and job opportunities while in prison to better prepare them to find a job after release. This leading indicator measures how well individuals are doing in respect to jobs post-release.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 0% 40%
2019-21 Q2 0% 40%
2019-21 Q3 0% 40%
2019-21 Q4 0% 40%
2019-21 Q5 33% 40%
2019-21 Q6 34% 40%
2019-21 Q7 32% 40%
2019-21 Q8 37% 40%
2021-23 Q1 36% 0%
2021-23 Q2 33% 0%
2021-23 Q3 34% 0%
2021-23 Q4 40% 0%
2021-23 Q5 38% 0%
2021-23 Q6 38% 0%
2021-23 Q7 34% 0%
2021-23 Q8 35% 0%
2023-25 Q1 34% 0%
2023-25 Q2 32% 0%
2023-25 Q3 30% 0%
2023-25 Q4 0% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002926 - Homeless Releases for Individuals with Supervision Requirements

The fact is that in Washington State 96% of incarcerated individuals will releases. How we help these releasing citizens reenter society is critical to their success.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q4 0% 0%
2019-21 Q8 11% 0%
2021-23 Q1 10% 0%
2021-23 Q2 10% 0%
2021-23 Q3 12% 0%
2021-23 Q4 12% 0%
2021-23 Q5 8% 0%
2021-23 Q6 10% 0%
2021-23 Q7 8% 0%
2021-23 Q8 7% 0%
2023-25 Q1 8% 0%
2023-25 Q2 8% 0%
2023-25 Q3 7% 0%
2023-25 Q4 7% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002927 - Homeless Releases for Individuals without Supervision Requirements

The fact is that in Washington State 96% of incarcerated individuals will releases. How we help these releasing citizens reenter society is critical to their success. Currently, DOC cannot provide any housing vouchers for those individuals releasing without community supervision requirement.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 13%
2019-21 A3 0% 13%

002928 - Homeless Releases for All Individuals Releasing (Overall Average)

The fact is that in Washington State 96% of incarcerated individuals will releases. How we help these releasing citizens reenter society is critical to their success. Currently, DOC cannot provide any housing vouchers for those individuals releasing without community supervision requirement.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 5%
2019-21 A3 0% 5%

002929 - Medicaid Pre-enrollment for Individuals Releasing

Percent of releasing offenders who have a Medicaid application submitted.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 0% 85%
2019-21 Q2 0% 85%
2019-21 Q3 0% 85%
2019-21 Q4 0% 85%
2019-21 Q5 0% 85%
2019-21 Q6 0% 85%
2019-21 Q7 0% 85%
2019-21 Q8 0% 85%
2021-23 Q1 0% 0%
2021-23 Q2 72% 0%
2021-23 Q3 77% 0%
2021-23 Q4 82% 0%
2021-23 Q5 80% 0%
2021-23 Q6 82% 0%
2021-23 Q7 87% 0%
2021-23 Q8 89% 0%
2023-25 Q1 89% 0%
2023-25 Q2 90% 0%
2023-25 Q3 89% 0%
2023-25 Q4 91% 0%
2023-25 Q5 0% 0%
2023-25 Q6 0% 0%
2023-25 Q7 0% 0%
2023-25 Q8 0% 0%

002930 - Rate of Violence in Correctional Facilities

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Keep People Safe. The objectives reads, "Decrease the rate of violence from 0.93 to 0.90 per 100 incarcerated individuals at prison and work release facilities by 2022." This is an indicator of the level of violence, safety, and behavior within Washington Correctional facilities.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 M1 0% 1%
2019-21 M10 0% 1%
2019-21 M11 0% 1%
2019-21 M12 0% 1%
2019-21 M13 0% 1%
2019-21 M14 0% 1%
2019-21 M15 0% 1%
2019-21 M16 0% 1%
2019-21 M17 0% 1%
2019-21 M18 0% 1%
2019-21 M19 0% 1%
2019-21 M2 0% 1%
2019-21 M20 0% 1%
2019-21 M21 0% 1%
2019-21 M22 0% 1%
2019-21 M23 0% 1%
2019-21 M24 0% 1%
2019-21 M3 0% 1%
2019-21 M4 0% 1%
2019-21 M5 0% 1%
2019-21 M6 0% 1%
2019-21 M7 0% 1%
2019-21 M8 0% 1%
2019-21 M9 0% 1%

002932 - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect Index

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Engage and Respect Employees. The objectives reads, "Increase the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect index from 61% to 65% by 2023."
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 0% 65%
2019-21 A3 0% 65%

002934 - Percent of Prison and Work Release Confinement to Capacity

DOC has included this outcome measure as an objective within the goal area of Achieve Organizational Excellence. The objectives reads, "Provide full and partial confinement options within 100% of capacity by 2023." Currently, we are experiencing over capacity in Washington’s prison system. Over capacity makes it more difficult to operate a safe, humane, and effective corrections system. Forecasts predict that the demands of prison beds will continue to rise in the future. In the short-term, we need to maximize the use of partial confinement options and find ways to reduce the use of prison beds for community violations confinement. Long-term, we will continue to advocate for solutions to address both current needs as well as future forecasts.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 M1 0% 100%
2019-21 M10 0% 100%
2019-21 M11 0% 100%
2019-21 M12 0% 100%
2019-21 M13 0% 100%
2019-21 M14 0% 100%
2019-21 M15 0% 100%
2019-21 M16 0% 100%
2019-21 M17 0% 100%
2019-21 M18 0% 100%
2019-21 M19 0% 100%
2019-21 M2 0% 100%
2019-21 M20 0% 100%
2019-21 M21 0% 100%
2019-21 M22 0% 100%
2019-21 M23 0% 100%
2019-21 M24 0% 100%
2019-21 M3 0% 100%
2019-21 M4 0% 100%
2019-21 M5 0% 100%
2019-21 M6 0% 100%
2019-21 M7 0% 100%
2019-21 M8 0% 100%
2019-21 M9 0% 100%