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Healthy and Safe Communities

Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Enforce the law

Strategy: Enforce the law

Agency: 227 - Criminal Justice Training Commission

A001 - Administrative Activity

The administrative activity supports agency functions by providing leadership, strategic planning, and operational coordination for Criminal Justice Training Commission training statewide. Administration manages the agency's long-term financial health; provides information to support sound decision making and resource management by managers, and administers the Peace Officer Certification Program; serves as liaison to the state Legislature, local governments, and criminal justice jurisdictions, Indian tribes, and citizen groups; provides comprehensive human resource services; oversees information management facility and vehicle management; maintains the agency's centralized records and library resources; responds to public records requests; and provides mail services.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 106.0 109.0 107.5
001 - General Fund
State 21,177,000 20,820,000 41,997,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 53.0 56.0 54.5
GFS 10,574,000.0 10,686,000.0 21,260,000.0
Totals 10,574,000.0 10,686,000.0 21,260,000.0
Expected Results

Students receive effective training in an environment conducive to learning. Counties and municipal jurisdictions receive certified law enforcement officers and trained corrections officers to conduct operations in their jurisdictions. Advanced training is provided to selected officers to increase skills, knowledge, and leadership to address more complex and diverse criminal justice operations and investigations, Counties and municipal jurisdictions are satisfied with the quantity and quality of training.

A002 - Basic Law Enforcement Academy

The state of Washington accomplishes its initial certification of all full-time peace officers through training at the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. State law mandates that all officers, deputies, and agents must begin basic training within six months of hiring by their respective agencies. The Academy’s 720-hour curriculum covers all facets of training, including criminal law, criminal procedures, patrol procedures, crisis management, communication, community policing, ethics, defensive tactics, traffic, and firearms. Clients include all municipal police departments and county sheriff's offices, four-year college and university police departments, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Washington State Gambling Commission, and the Liquor Control Board.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 68.0 68.0 68.0
001 - General Fund
State 32,495,000 35,102,000 67,597,000
Local 8,806,000 4,446,000 13,252,000
001 - General Fund Totals 41,301,000 39,548,000 80,849,000
03M - Municipal Criminal Justice Assist
State 460,000 460,000 920,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 34.0 34.0 34.0
GFS 16,400,000.0 20,960,000.0 37,360,000.0
Other 4,633,000.0 230,000.0 4,863,000.0
Totals 21,033,000.0 21,190,000.0 42,223,000.0

000741 - Total annual Number of sworn officers receiving BLEA training

Total annual number of sworn officers receiving Basic Law Enforcement Academy training.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 545 570
2019-21 A3 570 0
2023-25 A2 773 870
2023-25 A3 0 870

A003 - Corrections Training

The Corrections Division provides state-mandated, initial entry-level training for new institutional and community corrections workers for state, county, and local jurisdictions. Training is intended for personnel who provide for the custody, safety, and security of adult and juvenile prisoners in jails and detention facilities, as well as for personnel who manage cases of offenders in the community on probation or parole. Approximately 1,000 students are trained annually in the Correction Officer, Adult Services, Juvenile Security Workers, and Juvenile Services Academies. This training is mandated by state law to meet minimum essential initial training for persons contributing to public safety by dealing properly with offenders in custody or in the community.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 5.0 5.0 5.0
001 - General Fund
State 3,040,000 5,386,000 8,426,000
Local 530,000 1,734,000 2,264,000
001 - General Fund Totals 3,570,000 7,120,000 10,690,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 3.0 3.0 3.0
GFS 1,945,000.0 4,287,000.0 6,232,000.0
Other 165,000.0 1,369,000.0 1,534,000.0
Totals 2,110,000.0 5,656,000.0 7,766,000.0

000742 - Total annual Number of officers attending the Corrections Academy

Total annual number of officers attending the Corrections Academy.
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 A2 146 180
2019-21 A3 140 0
2023-25 A2 302 318
2023-25 A3 0 0

A004 - Management Support for Public Law Enforcement Agencies

State funding is provided to the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, an organization that addresses common problems involved in the delivery of executive and management services to public law enforcement agencies, for the Uniform Crime Reporting Section. This section is responsible for four major statistical projects: Uniform Crime Reporting, Incident Based Reporting, Hate/Bias Crime Reporting, and Domestic Violence Reporting. Databases are maintained to record information on various crimes and used to provide statistical reports to the criminal justice community, Legislature, media, researchers, students, and private citizens. These databases also assist law enforcement as an investigative tool. WASPC is required to act as the permanent repository of records of investigative reports prepared by all law enforcement agencies in the state pertaining to sex offenders or sexually violent offenses. Funding is also provided to WASPC for a project in which maps of schools will be available electronically to emergency services personnel.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 28,039,000 26,422,000 54,461,000
11K - WA Auto Theft Prevention Auth Acct
State 1,616,000 1,616,000 3,232,000
18K - 24/7 Sobriety Account
State 20,000 20,000 40,000
20E - WA Internet Crimes Children
State 2,270,000 2,270,000 4,540,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 14,028,000.0 13,211,000.0 27,239,000.0
Other 1,953,000.0 1,953,000.0 3,906,000.0
Totals 15,981,000.0 15,164,000.0 31,145,000.0
Expected Results

Reports provided will improve effectiveness of management decisions, investigation outcomes, and coordination of emergency operations.

A005 - Development, Training, and Standards

The Development, Training, and Standards Division is responsible for developing and administering training across the law enforcement and corrections spectrum. This includes curriculum and instructor development for recruit training through specialized tactics and investigations, and leadership training for first-level supervision, middle management, and executive management personnel. Recruit, leadership, and other specialized requirements are mandated by state law and must be completed within the allotted timelines as a condition of maintaining a specific position or rank. It is critical that law enforcement and corrections supervisors, managers, and executives receive advanced training after basic academy training. Examples of other instruction include domestic violence training, sexual assault investigation, crime scene investigation, planning and conducting special operations, coroners training, and training to defense and municipal attorneys. The division also sets and enforces standards of annual in-service training and audits agencies for compliance.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 68.0 72.0 70.0
001 - General Fund
State 19,472,000 23,454,000 42,926,000
Local 2,390,000 2,392,000 4,782,000
001 - General Fund Totals 21,862,000 25,846,000 47,708,000
02K - Death Investigations Account
State 1,708,000 1,708,000 3,416,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 34.0 38.0 36.0
GFS 9,741,000.0 13,844,000.0 23,585,000.0
Other 2,049,000.0 2,050,000.0 4,099,000.0
Totals 11,790,000.0 15,894,000.0 27,684,000.0
Expected Results

Law enforcement and corrections personnels receive subject specific recruit and advanced training to perform and lead effectively in local jurisdictions.

A006 - Prosecuting Attorney Training

Prosecuting attorneys and their staff fall within the purview of the Commission. In accordance with an agreement between the Commission and the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (WAPA), WAPA is responsible for the full and complete administration and conduct of training programs for prosecuting attorneys, deputy prosecuting attorneys, and their support personnel. In addition to training, WAPA is responsible for the development and maintenance of manuals. (Public Safety and Education Account-State)

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
001 - General Fund
State 4,680,000 5,374,000 10,054,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
GFS 2,410,000.0 3,104,000.0 5,514,000.0
Totals 2,410,000.0 3,104,000.0 5,514,000.0
Expected Results

Prosecuting attorneys and their staff will receive training courses in specific case-related subject areas.

A007 - Auto Theft Prevention Authority

The Auto Theft Prevention Authority allocates money placed in the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority Account to establish, maintain, and support programs designed to prevent motor vehicle theft. These programs will provide financial support to proesecution agencies to increase the effectiveness of motor vehicle theft prosecution; to units of local government for increased effectiveness of motor vehicle theft enforcement; for the procurement of equipment and technologies for use by law enforcement agencies in enforcing motor vehicle theft laws; and for programs designed to educate and assist the public in the prevention of motor vehicle theft. The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs will administer the Auto Theft Prevention Authority.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
11K - WA Auto Theft Prevention Auth Acct
State 5,550,000 8,852,000 14,402,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
Other 2,775,000.0 6,076,000.0 8,851,000.0
Totals 2,775,000.0 6,076,000.0 8,851,000.0
Expected Results

Programs will assist in the prevention of motor vehicle theft.