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Efficient, Effective and Accountable Government

Last Updated: 01/07/2025

Safeguard and manage public funds

Strategy: Safeguard and manage public funds

Agency: 116 - State Lottery

A001 - Washington's Lottery

Washington's Lottery generates revenue for various education, cultural, and community beneficiaries by earning profits from the sale of creative and entertaining Lottery products. Beneficiaries of Lottery profits include: the Washington Opportunity Pathways Account, the State General Fund, the Stadium and Exhibition Center Account (CenturyLink Field), the Economic Development Reserve Account, and the Problem Gambling Account.

Account FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTE 291.8 287.8 289.8
433 - Shared Game Lottery Account
Non-Appropriated 147,866,000 148,982,000 296,848,000
577 - State Lottery Account
Non-Appropriated 1,245,148,000 1,249,610,000 2,494,758,000
578 - Lottery Administrative Account
State 32,754,000 33,090,000 65,844,000
FY 2024 FY 2025 Biennium Total
FTES 145.9 143.9 144.9
Other 712,840,000.0 715,911,000.0 1,428,751,000.0
Totals 712,840,000.0 715,911,000.0 1,428,751,000.0

000002 - Total Distributions to all Beneficiaries

Total Distributions to Lottery Beneficiaries (in thousands of dollars)
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 $41,586.00 $42,231.00
2019-21 Q2 $41,024.00 $42,231.00
2019-21 Q3 $41,779.00 $42,231.00
2019-21 Q4 $56,173.00 $50,233.00
2019-21 Q5 $48,622.00 $42,855.00
2019-21 Q6 $51,229.00 $42,855.00
2019-21 Q7 $67,749.00 $42,855.00
2019-21 Q8 $61,448.00 $50,853.00
2021-23 Q1 $54,746.00 $46,874.00
2021-23 Q2 $49,436.00 $46,874.00
2021-23 Q3 $51,197.00 $46,874.00
2021-23 Q4 $61,460.00 $46,874.00
2021-23 Q5 $52,531.00 $47,477.00
2021-23 Q6 $66,656.00 $47,477.00
2021-23 Q7 $70,370.00 $47,477.00
2021-23 Q8 $64,314.00 $47,477.00
2023-25 Q1 $70,429.00 $50,120.00
2023-25 Q2 $58,346.00 $50,120.00
2023-25 Q3 $61,550.00 $50,120.00
2023-25 Q4 $65,209.00 $58,987.00
2023-25 Q5 $44,701.00 $50,440.00
2023-25 Q6 $0.00 $50,440.00
2023-25 Q7 $0.00 $50,440.00
2023-25 Q8 $0.00 $59,307.00

000031 - General Fund Account - 001

Total Distributions to the General Fund Account (in thousands of dollars)
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 $0.00 $0.00
2019-21 Q2 $0.00 $0.00
2019-21 Q3 $0.00 $0.00
2019-21 Q4 $16,234.00 $27,396.00
2019-21 Q5 $0.00 $0.00
2019-21 Q6 $0.00 $0.00
2019-21 Q7 $19,031.00 $0.00
2019-21 Q8 $4,887.00 $27,551.00
2021-23 Q1 $0.00 $0.00
2021-23 Q2 $0.00 $0.00
2021-23 Q3 $25,589.00 $0.00
2021-23 Q4 $8,058.00 $24,020.00
2021-23 Q5 $0.00 $0.00
2021-23 Q6 $0.00 $0.00
2021-23 Q7 $38,069.00 $0.00
2021-23 Q8 $7,408.00 $24,321.00
2023-25 Q1 $0.00 $0.00
2023-25 Q2 $781.00 $0.00
2023-25 Q3 $47,736.00 $0.00
2023-25 Q4 $9,678.00 $28,715.00
2023-25 Q5 $0.00 $0.00
2023-25 Q6 $0.00 $0.00
2023-25 Q7 $0.00 $0.00
2023-25 Q8 $0.00 $28,887.00

000188 - Total Sales - All Lottery Products

Total Sales - All Lottery Products (in thousands of dollars)
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 $178,457.00 $187,624.00
2019-21 Q2 $190,157.00 $187,624.00
2019-21 Q3 $188,888.00 $187,624.00
2019-21 Q4 $259,797.00 $187,623.00
2019-21 Q5 $213,720.00 $190,593.00
2019-21 Q6 $216,398.00 $190,593.00
2019-21 Q7 $276,380.00 $190,593.00
2019-21 Q8 $244,229.00 $190,593.00
2021-23 Q1 $231,110.00 $201,229.00
2021-23 Q2 $229,443.00 $201,229.00
2021-23 Q3 $227,731.00 $201,229.00
2021-23 Q4 $219,402.00 $201,229.00
2021-23 Q5 $233,572.00 $203,539.00
2021-23 Q6 $268,561.00 $203,539.00
2021-23 Q7 $268,150.00 $203,539.00
2021-23 Q8 $233,164.00 $203,539.00
2023-25 Q1 $278,435.00 $229,679.00
2023-25 Q2 $258,042.00 $229,679.00
2023-25 Q3 $254,875.00 $229,679.00
2023-25 Q4 $237,603.00 $229,679.00
2023-25 Q5 $230,613.00 $230,694.00
2023-25 Q6 $0.00 $230,694.00
2023-25 Q7 $0.00 $230,694.00
2023-25 Q8 $0.00 $230,694.00

001837 - Washington Opportunity Pathways Account 17F

Total Distributions to the Washington Opportunity Pathways Account (in thousands of dollars)
Biennium Period Actual Target
2019-21 Q1 $33,284.00 $34,304.00
2019-21 Q2 $33,483.00 $34,304.00
2019-21 Q3 $40,781.00 $41,141.00
2019-21 Q4 $39,373.00 $21,745.00
2019-21 Q5 $40,277.00 $34,653.00
2019-21 Q6 $42,894.00 $34,653.00
2019-21 Q7 $48,150.00 $41,763.00
2019-21 Q8 $54,404.00 $22,211.00
2021-23 Q1 $53,644.00 $39,696.00
2021-23 Q2 $47,061.00 $39,696.00
2021-23 Q3 $24,709.00 $39,696.00
2021-23 Q4 $51,138.00 $39,696.00
2021-23 Q5 $49,959.00 $40,224.00
2021-23 Q6 $65,542.00 $40,224.00
2021-23 Q7 $30,425.00 $40,224.00
2021-23 Q8 $54,705.00 $40,224.00
2023-25 Q1 $68,370.00 $41,724.00
2023-25 Q2 $56,203.00 $41,724.00
2023-25 Q3 $11,677.00 $41,724.00
2023-25 Q4 $53,601.00 $50,591.00
2023-25 Q5 $42,925.00 $42,001.00
2023-25 Q6 $0.00 $42,001.00
2023-25 Q7 $0.00 $42,001.00
2023-25 Q8 $0.00 $50,868.00