Fund 14T - Green Industries Jobs Training Account
Inactive Account 07/01/2012
RCW 43.330.310
Admin Agency:
Community/Technical College System - 6990
Cash Type:
1 - Treasury Fund
SAAM Budget Type:
Appropriated (A)
Earnings from Investments are:
Credited to the general fund under RCW 43.84.092(4).
To supplement the state opportunity grant program. Grant funds may be used for: curriculum development, transitional jobs strategies for dislocated workers in declining industries who may be retrained for high-wage occupations in green industries, workforce education to target populations, and adult basic and remedial education as necessary linked to occupation skills training.
Sources of Revenue:
Legislative appropriations
Students, stakeholder organizations: private, non-profit, governmental, educational
Effective Date:
Inactive Date:
Public Notes:
ACFR Information
Account Code:
Account Title:
Green Industries Jobs Training Account
Fund Type:
AA - General Fund
Rollup Fund:
AZ - Other Accounts in the General Fund
Closing GL Code: