Fund 137 - Morrill Account
Inactive Account 07/01/2010
RCW 28B.30.275
Admin Agency:
Washington State University - 3650
Cash Type:
2 - Treasury Trust Fund
SAAM Budget Type:
Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B)
Earnings from Investments are:
Credited to the general fund under RCW 43.79A.040(4)(a).
Account used to receive and disburse all federal appropriations for the land grant colleges in accordance with the following federal acts: 1. Second Morrill Act, approved August 30, 1980 (26 Stat. L. 417). 2. Nelson amendment to the Morrill Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, approved March 4, (34 Stat. L. 1281). 3. Title II, Section 22 of the Bankhead-Jones Act, approved June 29, 1935 (49 Stat. L. 436). 4. Any subsequent federal act appropriating funds to the state of Washington or to the Washington State University for a similar or related purpose.
Sources of Revenue:
Miscellaneous Revenue
Washington State University
Effective Date:
Inactive Date:
Public Notes:
Inactivated 7/1/10 per SSB 6572.
ACFR Information
Account Code:
Account Title:
Morrill Account
Fund Type:
BA - Special Revenue Funds
Rollup Fund:
BG - Higher Education Fund
Closing GL Code: